We’d like to wish former President of the United States (#39) Jimmy Carter a Happy 100th Birthday! Not only is he the longest lived President in United States history, he is also considered one of the best elder statesmen. Furthermore, he is also one of the finest human beings to hold the office. If you need evidence of that, look no further than the thousands of people helped through his Habitat for Humanity charity.
If Americans are looking for a role model, we recommend Jimmy Carter over Donald Trump any day!
One of the big questions of this election season is what the hell happened to RFK Jr.? We mean WTF!!! He used to be a respected environmental warrior. We even endorsed his book Crimes Against Nature here back in 2004. Now all sorts of strange stories have come out about him and the problem is that most of them are true.
Back on our February 12, 2012 post, we featured as our Book O’ The Month Daisy June Huneycutt’s epic cookbook Cookin’ Roadkill. Well, the second edition has been released and guess who’s endorsing it? Why RFK, Jr., of course! As a matter of fact, it’s his favorite book.
A lot has happened since our last post a month ago. Honestly, folks, the way the election had been panning out was depressing the hell out of us. Joe Biden, despite having one of the best legislative terms in history, was being labeled as too old as compared to an equally old and more unstable and completely dishonest man, the twice impeached convicted felon TFG. The fix was in and it still may be in, we don’t know. But President Biden bowing out of the race and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris completely threw the Republicans for a loop. For once, the Democrats put the screws to the GOP and we’re feeling something we haven’t felt in a while – HOPE!
But we’re sure the corrupt corporate media will do a hit job on Harris they way they did in 2016 against Hillary Clinton once they find something bad, no matter how picayune the issue is, in which to bash her and whoever her running mate ends up being. The media wants drama and Zeus damn it, drama makes lots of MONEY, which is what the greedy corporations and America are all about. So, get ready for a bumpy three months, folks. Things are looking much better for democracy loving Americans, but it ain’t over yet.
One of our features here is Capitalist Jesus where we present Jesus dressed in his best suit and tie ensemble commenting how wonderful capitalism and right wing conservative christianity is. Because nothing is more christian than the unregulated greed and selfishness brought on by unregulated capitalism. Like we’ve said before, unregulated capitalism is just indirect cannibalism. We’re killing each other for fun and profit.
Which reminds us of TFG, a.k.a. former twice impeached American CEO/Dictator and petulant man child Donald Trump. We posted a photo-toon of Capitalist Jesus back in 2016 when TFG started running for President which pretty much sums up how hypocritical modern evangelical christians in the GOP are when it comes to supporting this pathological liar. Since Con-a-thon 2024 is basically a repeat of Con-a-thon 2020 and Trump ran during the Con-a-thon 2016, our job here is pretty easy. Since the Republican Party is rinsing and repeating with the stupidity of Donald Trump, we can rinse and repeat with our photo-toons because one thing hasn’t changes since 2016: Donald Trump is still a greedy, egomaniacal, petty, self-aggrandizing misogynistic, bombastic, materialistic, deceitful, callous, bigoted and oppressive asshole.
We’re not going to lie to you, folks. We’ve been thinking of hanging up the old bilge bucket over the last couple years. We don’t like what’s happening with TFG, the GOP or the corporate media. If this were a functioning socity of law and order, he should already be in jail serving a sentence for any of his 91 criminal counts, especially provoking the Jan. 6th insurrection. It’s obvious and if the Republicans were in any way honest, they’d admit their mistake, cut him loose and choose a new standard bearer for their party. But they’re not honest in the slightest despite claiming to be conservative christians. We honestly don’t think if Jesus somehow came back to Earth, he’d be hanging out with Trumpty Dumpty.
We think Biden is doing a great job – a lot better than we thought he would quite frankly. He’s been laser focused on restoring our relationships with our allies, helping spread democracy in Ukraine and improving the economy. His legislative victories (Infrastructure Act, Inflation Reduction Act, Chips Act, Pact Act, etc . . .) are reminiscent of LBJ’s first term. So we absolutely don’t trust polls that say Trump is leading Biden. Moreover, the media is doing an atrocious job of highlighting Biden’s accomplishments. Remember, Trump said the stock market would crash under Biden, but instead, it’s been approaching all-time highs. Not only that, he has hardly spent any time on the golf course unlike a certain orange tub o’ goo.
We’ve decided to go one more election cycle (or Con-a-thons as we like to call them) and then call it quits. We’ll be mostly posting old photo-toons relating to TFG since he’s the same a-hole that he’s been since forever. Plus, we’ll add some new ones on him and the new confederacy of dunces masquerading as GOP congressmen and senators. Plus, to keep our own sanity, we’ll post non-political schtuff to try and get back to our original quest of being a poor man’s Onion. Will it work? Who knows! But let’s see what happens anyway.
2023 marks the 20th anniversary of the BilgeBucket Gazette. Our first issue was on May 19, 2003 and we’ve been shoveling it to the public, just like the corporate media, ever since. We changed our format to a WordPress blog in 2011 so all of our earlier material was archived. We’ve been reposting many of those archived articles, headlines, photo-toons, BilgeBucket Lists and other content over the past twelve years. In honor of our 20th, and because we’re sick of the current state of affairs in the world, we’ll be reposting more items from 2003 through 2009 throughout this year.
Pat Robertson, the uber-evangelical preacher who, together with fellow holy huckster Jerry Falwell, blew hot air into the christian nationalism movement that is threatening to turn our democracy into a theocracy, died last week. We had a very poignant salute to Falwell when he died in 2007 (and repost in 2015) listing all his greatest hates so just visit that page and you’ll be up to date on Robertson’s dubious record. We’ve also had a photo-toon featuring Robertson and his exceptional ability to exaggerate, but then that’s what you should expect from an evangelical con-man. But we found another photo-toon from our November 29, 2007 issue of Robertson endorsing Rudy Giuliani for President in 2008, presumably for his role in helping New York heal after 9/11. We had an article covering that election. But this photo-toon features Robertson with Giuliani dressed in drag ala Rocky Horror Picture Show. In case you’ve forgotten, Giuliani dressed in drag on more than a few occasions including a strange one with megalomaniac man-child Donald Trump. We wonder what ultra-conservative, christian, anti-LGBTQ MAGA Morons and QAnon nutbags would say if they saw this video of Trump motorboating Rudy’s fake boobies.
Yes, Ted Cruz has proven himself to be many things; Senator, sycophant, seditionist, traitor and coward. Which begs the question – how and why the hell is he still in Congress?
Twice Impeached former American CEO/Dictator and petulant man child Donald Trump’s impeachment trial is starting and the Republicans are in full political theater mode trying to present themselves fighting a ‘civil war’ whether or not to fully back Trump or do a re-brand and distance themselves from the the worst President in the United States history; a President who openly on tape incited a riot on the United States Capitol on January 6th to overthrow the results of a democratic election. You’d think this would be a no-brainer to any sane party. But we’re talking about the modern day, 21st century Republican party, folks.
We’ve noted that the GOP has changed their logo when they embraced Trump in 2016. But this is 2021. They are no longer the Republicans. They are now the RepubliQAnons. They represent not only the greedy 1% corporate plutocrats in the upper echelon of the party, but they also count as members of their constituency Nazis, the KKK, Neo-Confederates, white supremacists, racists, loony rapture-loving evangelicals, gun nuts, and now lunatic fringe QAnon acolytes. Yes, this new logo pretty much summarizes all bat shit insane ideologies the modern Republican party represents.
We’ve been really, really, really enjoying our time off from commentary on current events, but it’s probably time to get back in the swing of things. So . . . anything interesting happen since election day?
Well, they finally called the presidential election Saturday for Joe Biden. The states of Pennsylvania and Nevada were called which put Biden over the top with 279 electoral votes. Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina and Alaska are still having votes tabulated but it looks like Biden will impressively pick up red states Arizona and Georgia (which would give Biden 306) while Alaska and North Carolina will go to America’s Impeached CEO/Dictator and petulant man child Donald Trump.
We’ll have more commentary about the election later this week, but for now, we’ve got just one thing to say to Donald Trump that most sane, intelligent Americans have been waiting to say to this pathological prevaricator since 2016: YOU’RE FIRED!!!!