RFK Jr.’s Favorite Book

One of the big questions of this election season is what the hell happened to RFK Jr.? We mean WTF!!! He used to be a respected environmental warrior. We even endorsed his book Crimes Against Nature here back in 2004. Now all sorts of strange stories have come out about him and the problem is that most of them are true.

First, there’s the story of doctors revealing that worms had been eating his brains and died. Then there’s the video of Mr. Environment Guy regaling Roseanne about how he stopped and stuffed a dead bear cub – a.k.a roadkill – in his trunk and then leaving it as a prank in Central Park when he remembered he couldn’t bring it home to eat because he had to go to the airport. Then there’s the story about he stopped and chainsawed a dead whale’s head off and strapped it to the top of his vehicle. Then there’s the story of how he dealt drugs in college at Harvard. Again, what the hell happened to him!!!

Back on our February 12, 2012 post, we featured as our Book O’ The Month Daisy June Huneycutt’s epic cookbook Cookin’ Roadkill. Well, the second edition has been released and guess who’s endorsing it? Why RFK, Jr., of course! As a matter of fact, it’s his favorite book.

Daisy June Huneycutt's epic cookbook Cookin' Roadkill is now in its second edition with a special endorsement from roadkill and brain worm aficionado Robert Kennedy Jr., who is also maybe or maybe not running for President.
Daisy June Huneycutt’s epic cookbook Cookin’ Roadkill is now in its second edition with a special endorsement from roadkill and brain worm aficionado Robert Kennedy Jr., who is also maybe or maybe not running for President.

The Singing Rat Returns

Back on March 4, 2019 we created a post featuring former Trump fixer Michael Cohen singing like a canary in front of a House Oversight committee about the many frauds of his former employer. Fast forward five years and it’s time for the return of the singing rat.

The Stormy Daniels hush money trial is winding down and Michael Cohen returned to the stand to testify against the orange haired megalomaniac man-child and from most accounts, he held his own and was ‘credible’. Granted Cohen is a liar but then again Trump is an even bigger prevaricator to the tune of over 30,000 in over four years as CEO/Dictator of America. So, what’s going to happen? Given TFG’s propensity to escape accountability his entire life, we’re not holding our breath. But maybe, just maybe, justice will prevail and Trump will be wearing a jumpsuit to match his orange complexion in the near future. Here’s a repost of our Singing Rat meme.

The Singing Rat: Michael Cohen is just your everyday goombah who also happens to be the fixer for Republican crime boss Donald Trump. When G-Man Robert Mueller catches Cohen covering up an illicit affair with a hooker for Trump, the rat sings like a canary. Rated T for Trumptastic.
The Singing Rat: Michael Cohen is just your everyday goombah who also happens to be the fixer for Republican crime boss Donald Trump. When G-Man Robert Mueller catches Cohen covering up an illicit affair with a hooker for Trump, the rat sings like a canary. Rated T for Trumptastic.

Akron Instead Of Dallas?

During our 20th anniversary retrospective last year, we reposted a couple of photo-toons from our Super Neato TV Trivia Rumors feature we had from 2003-2009, postulating that we would resurrect the light hearted feature in the future when we needed a palate cleanser from the dirty world of politics. We’ll here’s our latest installment, just in time to take a break from TFG and his corrupt pals in the joke that is the Roberts’ Supreme Court.

What’s more fun these days than trivia . . .especially trivia about America’s favorite pastime. No, it’s not baseball trivia. And no it’s not trivia on the sex life of Paris Hilton. It’s the boob tube, the idiot box . . . TV trivia! Yes, and what’s even more peachy keen is this trivia may not even be true; dare we say gossip, because you know, checking sources takes a lot of time and we’ve got TV to watch. So we present to you Super Neato TV Trivia Rumors! Yes, we’re talking seconds of entertainment all in one feature.

Today’s completely not made-up authentic rumor is that the smash ’80s TV show Dallas was originally named Akron and set in the rubber capital of the world, Akron, Ohio. The show was to revolve around the exploits of the Ewing family who were a clan of rubber robber barons. Wow! Does that sound exciting or what? If this show would’ve taken off, people would have flocking to Akron during the ’80s instead of Dallas. Oh, what could have been.

Rumor has it that Dallas was originally named Akron when it was first conceived by Hollywood writers. The show would revolve around the Ewing family who were rubber robber barons living in the rubber capital of the world, Akron, Ohio. Fortunately, veteran actor Larry Hagman suggested that the Ewings be a family of oil tycoons who lived on a sprawling ranch in the Texas city of Dallas, which was experiencing massive growth at the time. The result was one of the most popular television series of all time. The third season cliffhanger episode of "Who shot J.R.?" was one of the most watched episodes ever and made Larry Hagman a megastar. We can only imagine at how quickly the show would have been cancelled had it stayed in Akron.
Rumor has it that Dallas was originally named Akron when it was first conceived by Hollywood writers. The show would revolve around the Ewing family who were rubber robber barons living in the rubber capital of the world, Akron, Ohio. Fortunately, veteran actor Larry Hagman suggested that the Ewings be a family of oil tycoons who lived on a sprawling ranch in the Texas city of Dallas, which was experiencing massive growth at the time. The result was one of the most popular television series of all time. The third season cliffhanger episode of “Who shot J.R.?” was one of the most watched episodes ever and made Larry Hagman a megastar. We can only imagine at how quickly the show would have been cancelled had it stayed in Akron.

Forecast 2024: Goodbye Women’s Rights?

We’re not going to lie to you, folks. We’ve been thinking of hanging up the old bilge bucket over the last couple years. We don’t like what’s happening with TFG, the GOP or the corporate media. If this were a functioning socity of law and order, he should already be in jail serving a sentence for any of his 91 criminal counts, especially provoking the Jan. 6th insurrection. It’s obvious and if the Republicans were in any way honest, they’d admit their mistake, cut him loose and choose a new standard bearer for their party. But they’re not honest in the slightest despite claiming to be conservative christians. We honestly don’t think if Jesus somehow came back to Earth, he’d be hanging out with Trumpty Dumpty.

We think Biden is doing a great job – a lot better than we thought he would quite frankly. He’s been laser focused on restoring our relationships with our allies, helping spread democracy in Ukraine and improving the economy. His legislative victories (Infrastructure Act, Inflation Reduction Act, Chips Act, Pact Act, etc . . .) are reminiscent of LBJ’s first term. So we absolutely don’t trust polls that say Trump is leading Biden. Moreover, the media is doing an atrocious job of highlighting Biden’s accomplishments. Remember, Trump said the stock market would crash under Biden, but instead, it’s been approaching all-time highs. Not only that, he has hardly spent any time on the golf course unlike a certain orange tub o’ goo.

We’ve decided to go one more election cycle (or Con-a-thons as we like to call them) and then call it quits. We’ll be mostly posting old photo-toons relating to TFG since he’s the same a-hole that he’s been since forever. Plus, we’ll add some new ones on him and the new confederacy of dunces masquerading as GOP congressmen and senators. Plus, to keep our own sanity, we’ll post non-political schtuff to try and get back to our original quest of being a poor man’s Onion. Will it work? Who knows! But let’s see what happens anyway.

Republicans have already taken away reproductive rights from females and are aiming to regress the role of women in America to 19th century status of being just a non-voting baby factory.
Republicans have already taken away reproductive rights from females and are aiming to regress the role of women in America to 19th century status of being just a non-voting baby factory.

Rewind: R U Rapture Ready?

2023 marks the 20th anniversary of the BilgeBucket Gazette. Our first issue was on May 19, 2003 and we’ve been shoveling it to the public, just like the corporate media, ever since. We changed our format to a WordPress blog in 2011 so all of our earlier material was archived. We’ve been reposting many of those archived articles, headlines, photo-toons, BilgeBucket Lists and other content over the past twelve years. In honor of our 20th, and because we’re sick of the current state of affairs in the world, we’ll be reposting more items from 2003 through 2009 throughout this year.

The recent turmoil in the Middle East between Israel and the Palestinians have the got the conservative evangelical christians thumping their bibles salivating for the end times and the rapture when all good christians will be slurped up to heaven (which is presumably somewhere in Earth’s atmosphere although no satellite photos have shown its precise whereabouts).

Of course, anytime anything goes wrong in the Middle East (which is pretty much every day) the christians scream about the end times and how Jesus is coming again. Back in July and August of 2006, the Lebanon War between Hezbollah and Israel had evangelicals sounding the alarm. But alas, the end of the world didn’t happen and nobody was raptured. The fact that at that time, legitimate news organizations like CNN would actually mention the rapture should make logical, intelligent and reasonable citizens very weary of any news organization that would promote such ridiculous bunk as the rapture. It’s kind of like entertainment shows that still feature astrologers and horoscopes. But then again, America elected Trump in 2016. Stupid is as stupid does.

This photo-toon is from our August 11, 2006 issue.

The escalation of hostilities in the Middle East has launched an obsession of talk about the Apocalypse, the end of the world and the Rapture on supposedly responsible news networks like CNN.
The escalation of hostilities in the Middle East has launched an obsession of talk about the Apocalypse, the end of the world and the Rapture on supposedly responsible news networks like CNN.

Rewind: The Earth Speaks

2023 marks the 20th anniversary of the BilgeBucket Gazette. Our first issue was on May 19, 2003 and we’ve been shoveling it to the public, just like the corporate media, ever since. We changed our format to a WordPress blog in 2011 so all of our earlier material was archived. We’ve been reposting many of those archived articles, headlines, photo-toons, BilgeBucket Lists and other content over the past twelve years. In honor of our 20th, and because we’re sick of the current state of affairs in the world, we’ll be reposting more items from 2003 through 2009 throughout this year.

This repost isn’t from 2003-2009 but it is very appropriate given the latest turmoil in the Middle East. We originally posted it to honor Earth Day but we feel it covers the deadly conflicts that constantly seem to erupt in that region as well. The Middle East: it could very well lead to the death of the Earth. Way to go, humans!

This photo-toon is from our April 22, 2012 post.

The Earth comments that humans will be the death of it
The space station astronauts took this rare photo of the Earth commenting on the latest violent conflict to erupt in the Middle East.

Rewind: The Rockford Flies?

2023 marks the 20th anniversary of the BilgeBucket Gazette. Our first issue was on May 19, 2003 and we’ve been shoveling it to the public, just like the corporate media, ever since. We changed our format to a WordPress blog in 2011 so all of our earlier material was archived. We’ve been reposting many of those archived articles, headlines, photo-toons, BilgeBucket Lists and other content over the past twelve years. In honor of our 20th, and because we’re sick of the current state of affairs in the world, we’ll be reposting more items from 2003 through 2009 throughout this year.

Here’s the second (and final) of our old photo-toon series called Super Neato TV Trivia Rumors. The intro for this schtick was as follows:

What’s more fun these days than trivia . . .especially trivia about America’s favorite pastime. No, it’s not baseball trivia. And no it’s not trivia on the sex life of Paris Hilton. It’s the boob tube, the idiot box . . . TV trivia! Yes, and what’s even more peachy keen is this trivia may not even be true; dare we say gossip, because you know, checking sources takes a lot of time and we’ve got TV to watch. So we present to you Super Neato TV Trivia Rumors! Yes, we’re talking seconds of entertainment all in one feature.

In this photo-toon from our October 28. 2006 issue, we explore the completely not made-up authentic rumor that the original title of The Rockford Files was actually a transposition of the l and i in the word flies resulting in much more intriguing and hilarious The Rockford Flies. Can’t you just see it now? James Garner as a garbage man solving crimes with two super intelligent talking flies named Buzz and Maggie. We believe it would have been just as good as old TV classics like Mr. T and Tina, Joanie Loves Chachi and Manimal. Oh, what could have been!

Rumor has it that this show was named The Rockford Flies when it was originally conceived by Hollywood writers. The show would revolve around an easy going garbage collector on the gritty streets of Los Angeles who solves crimes with the help of two super intelligent talking flies named Buzz and Maggie. Fortunately savvy star James Gardner suggested to simply transpose the l and the i in the title and make Rockford an easy going private investigator living in a Malibu beach trailer and replace the flies with a human dad. The result was an Emmy winning classic television detective show that lasted six seasons and produced one of the best loved theme songs by Mike Post. We can only speculate what may have happened had the executives kept the original title and premise. We predict it would have challenged Mr. T. and Tina, Joanie Love Chachi and Manimal on the top of the scrap heap of awful television shows.
Rumor has it that this show was named The Rockford Flies when it was originally conceived by Hollywood writers. The show would revolve around an easy going garbage collector on the gritty streets of Los Angeles who solves crimes with the help of two super intelligent talking flies named Buzz and Maggie. Fortunately savvy star James Gardner suggested to simply transpose the l and the i in the title and make Rockford an easy going private investigator living in a Malibu beach trailer and replace the flies with a human dad. The result was an Emmy winning classic television detective show that lasted six seasons and produced one of the best loved theme songs by Mike Post. We can only speculate what may have happened had the executives kept the original title and premise. We predict it would have challenged Mr. T. and Tina, Joanie Love Chachi and Manimal on the top of the scrap heap of awful television shows.

Rewind: Diagnosis Mortar?

2023 marks the 20th anniversary of the BilgeBucket Gazette. Our first issue was on May 19, 2003 and we’ve been shoveling it to the public, just like the corporate media, ever since. We changed our format to a WordPress blog in 2011 so all of our earlier material was archived. We’ve been reposting many of those archived articles, headlines, photo-toons, BilgeBucket Lists and other content over the past twelve years. In honor of our 20th, and because we’re sick of the current state of affairs in the world, we’ll be reposting more items from 2003 through 2009 throughout this year.

We’re still rummaging through our archives and we discovered a fun little photo-toon series that we called Super Neato TV Trivia Rumors. Unfortunately, we only produced a couple pieces but the possibilities for hijinx are endless given that the Internet is the rumor mill on steroids, so we may try resurrecting it in the near future . . . that is if we don’t become a fascist authoritarian nightmare after the 2024 election. The intro for this schtick was as follows:

What’s more fun these days than trivia . . .especially trivia about America’s favorite pastime. No, it’s not baseball trivia. And no it’s not trivia on the sex life of Paris Hilton. It’s the boob tube, the idiot box . . . TV trivia! Yes, and what’s even more peachy keen is this trivia may not even be true; dare we say gossip, because you know, checking sources takes a lot of time and we’ve got TV to watch. So we present to you Super Neato TV Trivia Rumors! Yes, we’re talking seconds of entertainment all in one feature.

In this photo-toon from our March 29. 2007 issue, we explore the completely not made-up authentic rumor that the original title of Diagnosis Murder was actually Diagnosis Mortar. Now that would’ve been an exciting TV show, amirite? Dick Van Dyke as a doctor moonlighting as a masonry advisor for Hollywood celebrities? Why, the jokes write themselves!

Rumor has it that this show was named Diagnosis Mortar when it was originally conceived by Hollywood writers. The show would revolve around a respected L.A. doctor, who moonlights as a masonry advisor for celebrities. Fortunately, television legend, Dick Van Dyke, realized the lameness of the premise and suggested that his character, Dr. Sloan, moonlight as a detective solving some of L.A.'s toughest murders. The result was a classic television series that lasted from 1993 to 2001. This despite having Scott Baio on the show for two years. The idea for Diagnosis Mortar was resurrected in 2004 by Fox with star Bob Villa, but was cancelled half way through the show's first commercial break.
Rumor has it that this show was named Diagnosis Mortar when it was originally conceived by Hollywood writers. The show would revolve around a respected L.A. doctor, who moonlights as a masonry advisor for celebrities. Fortunately, television legend, Dick Van Dyke, realized the lameness of the premise and suggested that his character, Dr. Sloan, moonlight as a detective solving some of L.A.’s toughest murders. The result was a classic television series that lasted from 1993 to 2001. This despite having Scott Baio on the show for two years. The idea for Diagnosis Mortar was resurrected in 2004 by Fox with star Bob Villa, but was cancelled half way through the show’s first commercial break.

Rewind: Pat & Rudy Time Warpin’

2023 marks the 20th anniversary of the BilgeBucket Gazette. Our first issue was on May 19, 2003 and we’ve been shoveling it to the public, just like the corporate media, ever since. We changed our format to a WordPress blog in 2011 so all of our earlier material was archived. We’ve been reposting many of those archived articles, headlines, photo-toons, BilgeBucket Lists and other content over the past twelve years. In honor of our 20th, and because we’re sick of the current state of affairs in the world, we’ll be reposting more items from 2003 through 2009 throughout this year.

Pat Robertson, the uber-evangelical preacher who, together with fellow holy huckster Jerry Falwell, blew hot air into the christian nationalism movement that is threatening to turn our democracy into a theocracy, died last week. We had a very poignant salute to Falwell when he died in 2007 (and repost in 2015) listing all his greatest hates so just visit that page and you’ll be up to date on Robertson’s dubious record. We’ve also had a photo-toon featuring Robertson and his exceptional ability to exaggerate, but then that’s what you should expect from an evangelical con-man. But we found another photo-toon from our November 29, 2007 issue of Robertson endorsing Rudy Giuliani for President in 2008, presumably for his role in helping New York heal after 9/11. We had an article covering that election. But this photo-toon features Robertson with Giuliani dressed in drag ala Rocky Horror Picture Show. In case you’ve forgotten, Giuliani dressed in drag on more than a few occasions including a strange one with megalomaniac man-child Donald Trump. We wonder what ultra-conservative, christian, anti-LGBTQ MAGA Morons and QAnon nutbags would say if they saw this video of Trump motorboating Rudy’s fake boobies.

Ultra-conservative televangelist Pat Robertson endorsed Rudy Giuliani for President in 2008 even though Giuliani had supported abortion and gay rights, two issues which Robertson is vehemently against, and had dressed in drag on several occasions.
Ultra-conservative televangelist Pat Robertson endorsed Rudy Giuliani for President in 2008 even though Giuliani had supported abortion and gay rights, two issues which Robertson is vehemently against, and had dressed in drag on several occasions.

Rewind: Fashion Shrubberies

2023 marks the 20th anniversary of the BilgeBucket Gazette. Our first issue was on May 19, 2003 and we’ve been shoveling it to the public, just like the corporate media, ever since. We changed our format to a WordPress blog in 2011 so all of our earlier material was archived. We’ve been reposting many of those archived articles, headlines, photo-toons, BilgeBucket Lists and other content over the past twelve years. In honor of our 20th, and because we’re sick of the current state of affairs in the world, we’ll be reposting more items from 2003 through 2009 throughout this year.

One of the strange constants in this modern world is the wackiness of the fashion industry. Each year, fashion houses pump out the latest in haute couture with models prowling the catwalks wearing trendy costumes that no normal woman or man would wear even for Halloween. And yet, celebrities flock to these extravaganzas and schmooze with other wealthy elites just to be seen in what many view as an orgy of status attainment and snobbery.

We’ve had some fun with the fashion world before at the Bucket (here and here) and we uncovered another photo-toon from our October 6, 2006 issue illustrating the wackiness of these avant garde trendsetters. Are you ready for some fashion shrubberies? We’re sure they’ll be available soon at your nearest Kohls or Home Depot.

Fashion shrubberies, like this one by Elmer Goochie Nurseries presented last week at London Fashion Week, are making a huge comeback this spring.
Fashion shrubberies, like this one by Elmer Goochie Nurseries presented last week at London Fashion Week, are making a huge comeback this spring.