Twice Impeached former American CEO/Dictator and petulant man child Donald Trump’s impeachment trial is starting and the Republicans are in full political theater mode trying to present themselves fighting a ‘civil war’ whether or not to fully back Trump or do a re-brand and distance themselves from the the worst President in the United States history; a President who openly on tape incited a riot on the United States Capitol on January 6th to overthrow the results of a democratic election. You’d think this would be a no-brainer to any sane party. But we’re talking about the modern day, 21st century Republican party, folks.
The Republicans are already indicating that they’ll likely let Trump get away with his authoritarian power play. They’ve also indicated that despite stripping neophyte congress person and QAnon nutbag Marjorie Taylor Greene of her committee appointments, the House Republicans showed their support for this insipid piece of excrement by giving her a standing ovation. The GOP can no longer plead ignorance. They know what they’re doing. They fully endorse the bat shit insanity of the far right wing of the party and have decided that they are willing to overthrow democracy and the constitution in order to install a permanent, fascist, authoritarian Republican hegemony, (as Karl Rove called it back during Dubya’s clusterf*ck presidency) no matter what the cost.
We’ve noted that the GOP has changed their logo when they embraced Trump in 2016. But this is 2021. They are no longer the Republicans. They are now the RepubliQAnons. They represent not only the greedy 1% corporate plutocrats in the upper echelon of the party, but they also count as members of their constituency Nazis, the KKK, Neo-Confederates, white supremacists, racists, loony rapture-loving evangelicals, gun nuts, and now lunatic fringe QAnon acolytes. Yes, this new logo pretty much summarizes all bat shit insane ideologies the modern Republican party represents.