The Junior Corporate Lackey

Wow! Is Arizona lucky or what? We don’t just have one senator who filibustered the recent constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United, but two! Arizona’s junior corporate lackey, Jeff Flake, joined with the ‘maverick’ corporate lackey, John McCain, to let corporations give as much money as they want to candidates who support their special agenda. Mr. Flake comes from a wealthy and influential Mormon family in Arizona’s sparsely populated White Mountains and despite being a supposed champion against ‘corporate earmarks’, he has continually supported and voted for corporate interests since his days as a congressman. So it shouldn’t be any surprise that he would vote to protect corporate interests because to Mr. Flake, people and corporations mean the same thing. And because Mr. Flake is a political opportunist much like his fellow Mormon Mitt Romney, he’s decided to show the world how ‘bipartisan’ he is by appearing on a reality show for TLC with a Democratic Senator to prove that people in congress can work together. In reality, Mr. Flake is one of those true conservative Republicans who continually votes along party lines against anything the Democrats and President Obama want. So this ‘reality’ show is anything but; it’s pure political theater and grandstanding. We’re Arizonans here at the Bucket and as such we feel we have a right to say this to Senator Flake on his obviously transparent actions…and smile.

Senator Flake Sir, YOU SUCK!!!!

Arizona senator Jeff Flake is a man of the people, if by people you mean corporations and he will also pretend to be bipartisan on his new reality show when in reality he's extremely partisan.
Arizona junior Senator Jeff Flake is not only a man of the people(corporations), he will also pretend to be 'bipartisan' on his 'reality' show, even if in 'reality' he's extremely partisan. Yeah, he knows. He sucks.



The Maverick Corporate Lackey

The majority of the United States Senate tried to pass a constitutional amendment that would overturn the abysmal Citizens United ruling by the Supreme Court in 2010. The vote went 54-42 with Democrats and Independents in the majority and all 42 Republicans voting to, as New Mexico Senator Mark Udall said, “filibuster this measure and instead choose to support a broken system that prioritizes corporations and billionaires over regular voters.” Yep, that pretty much says it all. Among the Republicans filibustering was Arizona Senator John McCain, who not so long ago was considered a ‘maverick’ on campaign finance reform. We’re Arizonans here at the Bucket and as such we feel we have a right to say this to Senator McCain on his actions concerning this measure.

Senator McCain Sir, YOU SUCK!!!!

Arizona Senator John McCain proves what a 'maverick' he is on campaign finance reform by voting to let corporations give unlimited funds to the corporate of their choice.
Arizona Senator John McCain proves what a 'maverick' he is on campaign finance reform by voting to let corporations give unlimited funds to the corporate of their choice.


The Holy Corporate Empire

Here’s a good article about how America has become a corporate theocracy. Of course, it didn’t happen overnight. Its been happening gradually over the last 60 years; kind of like turning up the heat gradually on a pan of boiling water so the frogs inside the pot don’t even realize they’re getting boiled. Sinclair Lewis famously said something similar to the statement, “When fascism comes to America, it will wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” Religions, especially christianity, are authoritarian by nature; the sheep follow the shepherd and do was he says; which is dangerous when the shepherd is a corporatist wolf, only interested in making profits off his duped sheep. Make no mistake; this holy corporatist state is the new fascism and the people implementing it are extremely authoritarian and will not tolerate any dissent.

Before World War II, you could tell a fascist because they usually wore a military uniform, service cap or helmet and jackboots. However, today’s fascist, thanks to wily marketing and propaganda tactics, is much more palatable to the average citizen. Today’s fascist wears a spiffy business suit with a flag lapel pin on one side and a cross on the other. And they’ve always got a sparkling, toothy smile(see Mitt Romney).  If today’s holy corporate fascists have their way, if a business or corporation doesn’t like who you are or what you believe in, they will be able to deny you basic health services, employment or just plain service.  That’s hokum, you say. But look at the decisions handed down by the religious, conservative activist dominated Supreme Court in the past 5 years. Corporations are ‘people’ who can give as much money as possible to political lackeys who will do their bidding and these corporations can impose their will on you in the name of religious freedom. Fascism has arrived in America in a nice, friendly, tidy combination of business, economics and religion that hates science, logic and reason. Goodbye United States of America; Hello The Holy Corporate Empire!

Fascism has a new uniform; Resistance is futile
Goodbye United States of America; Hello Holy Corporate Empire!

Rewind: 3:16 To Tehran

This is our final post in our brief Coming Soon To A Theater Near You retrospective…

Here’s a theater poster from our October 28, 2007 edition highlighting the Neocon Production 3:16 to Tehran starring George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as Mo. Yep, the conservative christian Republicans, led by John McCain are still banging the drums for war against Iran and the rest of the Islamic world. If only those Muslims would convert to christianity…

George W. Bush is on a mission from God to spread christian love to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Iran in missile form.
3:16 to Tehran: Super christian George W. Bush is on a mission from God as he and fellow neocon Dick Cheney try to convert Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Iran to christianity. Will his message of love from the book of John work in missile form? All aboard for the 3:16 to Tehran! Rated R for Rapturous.

Rewind: Transformers Of The Middle East

Continuing with our brief Coming Soon To A Theater Near You retrospective…

Here’s a theater poster from our July19, 2007 edition highlighting the Neocon Production Transformers of the Middle East starring Dick ‘Rustbucket’ Cheney, Condoleezza ‘Chevtron ‘ Rice and George W. Bush as Lil’ DubDub, the chief Neocon transformer of that clusterf*ck called the Iraq War.

George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice invade Iraq with one mission: to transform the Middle East come Hell or the Apocalypse. Let the Quagmire Commence!
Transformers of the Middle East: Neocon transformers George W. Bush (Lil' DubDub), Dick Cheney(Rustbucket) and Condoleeza Rice(Chevtron) invade Iraq to transform it and the rest of the Middle East into an oil producing heaven for the west. Will they succeed or will they fan the flames of hatred and start an apocalyptic quagmire from which America will never recover. Rated R for Reprehensible.