Rewind: Republican Without A Clue

Back in the day, we had a feature here at the Bucket called Coming Soon To A Theater Near You, where we’d showcase upcoming movies you may not have heard about from that nasty, liberal media. We’ve decided to showcase these gems again, mostly our own entertainment…but hopefully you readers will enjoy them as well.

Here’s a theater poster from our April 21, 2007 edition highlighting the Neocon Production Republican Without A Clue starring good ol’ Dubya, the chief decider of that clusterf*ck called the Iraq War.

Republican Without A Clue: Blue blooded frat boy, George W. Bush, becomes President thanks to some shenanigans by his governor brother Jeb. Now, Dubya's the decider and hilarity ensues when he decides to invade Iraq against the advice of everyone with half a brain.
Republican Without A Clue: Blue blooded frat boy, George W. Bush, becomes President thanks to some shenanigans by his governor brother Jeb. Now, Dubya's the decider and hilarity ensues when he decides to invade Iraq against the advice of everyone with half a brain. Starring George W. Bush. Filmed in Neoconvision. Rated PG for Pretty Gawdawful.

GOP Insanity Plea

Just when you thought the Republicans couldn’t get any more irrational… Speaker of the House and Chief Oompa Loompa, John Boehner (pronounced bo-ner), has decided to sue President Obama for doing his job. According to the increasingly mentally unbalanced Republicans who control the House of Representatives, they see President Obama’s perfectly by the book executive orders as overreach of his authority. This despite the fact that President Obama has far fewer executive orders than any of his predecessors. We like that President Obama has finally given up trying to be the Compromiser-in-Chief and that he has said that he is doing his job because Congress is not doing theirs. Booom! There it is!  But the House GOP may have taken the final step for placement into the loony bin when they demanded action from Obama on the influx of immigrants into the southwestern USA after suing him for taking too much action. Talk about wasting taxpayers money! So let’s get this straight: Obama is damned for taking action and he’s damned for not taking action. Yep! Get the straight jackets ready. Boehner and Co. are officially lip-diddling insane.

Chief Oompa Loompa, John Boehner, explains that President Obama is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.
Speaker of the House and Chief Oompa Loompa, John Boehner, dressed in his stylish new straightjacket, explains why people need to vote the Republicans out of Congress this November.