Twit Tweets: #KingTrumpNeverWRONG

It’s been two and a half LONG, LONG, LONG years since Donald Trump has assumed leadership of this country as CEO/Dictator/King and so far the most consistent thing he has done is to tweet like an adolescent about every little thing that pops into his deranged, megalomaniac, man child head of his.

Unfortunately, his next greatest accomplishment is his over 10,000 lies and deceptions he has perpetrated on the American public. But then again we’re sure that King Trump, who is never wrong, would no doubt dispute those numbers as fake news, too.

America’s CEO/Dictator/King, Donald Trump, assures his loyal subjects that the stupid lying Press is lying about his 10,000 lies because the King is never wrong.
America’s CEO/Dictator/King, Donald Trump, assures his loyal subjects that the stupid lying Press is lying about his 10,000 lies because the King is never wrong.

Twit Tweets: #HUGEDuffer

We’ve introduced a new segment here called Twitty Trump Tweets to explore in depth, our American CEO/Dictator’s penchant for tweeting like a petulant teenager instead of acting like a world leader.

America’s CEO Donald Trump has made headlines recently by spending more money in just one month traveling to play golf at his course at Mar-a-lago than Obama spent in a year. So he’s played golf 13 times already…and this from a man who criticized Obama for playing too much golf. Yes folks, Trump’s making America great again, 18 holes at a time.

America’s CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, who is also a huge duffer, is making America great again 18 holes at a time.
America’s CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, who is also a huge duffer, is making America great again 18 holes at a time.

Twit Tweets: #BigVladFan

We’ve introduced a new segment here called Twitty Trump Tweets to explore in depth, our American CEO/Dictator’s penchant for tweeting like a petulant teenager instead of acting like a world leader.

America’s CEO Donald Trump continues to be plagued by accusations of ties with Russia during the 2016 election. It seems like the more he denies connections with Russia, the more he proves he’s in cahoots with them. SAD!

America’s CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, convincingly dispels any notion that he has an intimate connection with Russia and its leader Vladimir Putin.
America’s CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, convincingly dispels any notion that he has an intimate connection with Russia and its leader Vladimir Putin.

Twit Tweets: #HugeLoser

We’re introducing a new segment here called Twitty Trump Tweets to explore in depth, our American CEO/Dictator’s penchant for tweeting like a petulant teenager instead of acting like a world leader.

Now we’re not big fans of Twitter here at the Bucket. It does have its good purposes, like on the spot reporting at protests and major world events. But for the most part, it’s a tremendous waste of bandwidth. Seriously, we don’t care what Justin Bieber had for lunch or what Kim Kardashian thinks about world peace. And as evidence by the last election, important talking points have been reduced to inane 140 character blatherings that pass for real knowledge for consumption by the masses. It is perfect though for people with short attention spans, which unfortunately seems to include a good chunk of America. Like Trump would say…SAD!

America's CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, reacts to news about a world leader who spends all his time tweeting like a pathetic teenager instead of governing a nation. SAD!
America’s CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, reacts to news about a world leader who spends all his time tweeting like a petulant child instead of governing a nation. SAD!