GOP: The Government Wrecking Machine

The big news this past week was the government shutdown which showed to all how inept the Republicans are and how truly spineless the Democrats are and how truly screwed the American people are. The Republicans control the House, Senate and White House and yet couldn’t agree to anything. The Democrats, led by Chuck Schumer, caved on DACA and immigration. We’ve mentioned before here at the Bucket, how we think that the Democrats and Republicans are just good-cop, bad-copping the people of America so that their corporate overlords can make ungodly amounts of money at the taxpayers expense. The latest tax bill sure benefits the rich at the expense of the rest of us. And the stock market taking off clearly indicates that Americans are beholden now to corporate interests: you better please Wall Street or else.

Of course, the Republicans are conning the nation like they’ve been since the days of Nixon; they truly put the CON in CONservative. They keep preaching that they’re the party of small government. But their actions tell a different tale. In addition to the shutdown of the government, which the Republicans didn’t really mind, just like 2013, all of Trump’s executive orders reversing the much needed regulations on industry and the generous tax bill, which pretty much kills any government income, seem to show that the Republicans don’t just want small government, they want NO GOVERNMENT! It’s no secret they want to privatize everything including infrastructure, social security and medicare and dismantle any government agencies which may provide protection for the average American citizen, like the Consumer Financial Protection Agency or the Environmental Protection Agency. This is a complete seizure of power by corporate America and their willing lackeys in congress who will bring down the government from the inside. Ladies and gentlemen; this is what a corporate oligarchy and fascism looks like.

The Republicans don't want small government, they want no government.
Thanks to the Republican party and American CEO/Dictator Donald Trump, Americans don’t have to be bothered with the burden of a democratic government and stupid things like laws and regulation.

A Touch Of Quackery

Guess what, America…we can all take a deep breath now. According to White House physician, Ronny Jackson, American CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump is fit as a fiddle and mentally sharp as a tack. Whew! What a load off our minds. So all those stupid things that’s he’s been saying and doing the last two and a half years are all just perfectly normal or in typical conservative Republican-speak, there’s nothing to see here folks.

But then take a look at the cognitive test that was given to Trump. A third grader could have passed the test. Discerning and naming a lion, a rhino and a camel? Sweet freaking Zeus! So does that mean a third grader could be just as effective as Trump? Considering that Trump has the emotional intelligence of a child, we say yes; the third grader could probably do a much better job than the orange haired rage monster.

Jackson also stated that Trump is in excellent health and has ‘incredible genes’ and if he had a healthier diet ‘he might live to be 200’. Really???!!! Methinks there is some quackery afoot in the White House doctor’s office. If Dr. Jackson thinks Trump is ‘healthy’, we think the good doctor should seriously resign and find another profession because there is no way we’d come to him for any kind of medical advice. We know Jackson served both Dubya and Obama, but come on… Trump in excellent health???!!! Just more bullshit from the White House.

There's quackery afoot in the White House as Dr. Ronny Jackson proclaims that since American CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, knows a camel by sight, he's totally competent to be President, which causes Trump to celebrate his sanity by bombing Kim Jong Un.
There’s quackery afoot in the White House as Dr. Ronny Jackson proclaims that since American CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, can tell a lion from a camel, he’s totally competent to be President.

Trump: Making America A Shithole

For the approximately the millionth time during his clusterf*ck of a presidency, American CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, managed to stick his foot in his mouth, this time pissing off a sizable chunk of the world. In discussing immigration and DACA, he lamented that the United States gets only immigrants from shithole countries like Haiti and El Salvador and wished for more people from Norway. And for the millionth time, conservative Republican lackeys bolted forward and disgracefully tried to spin Trump’s racist drivel.

Norwegians overwhelmingly rejected Trump’s offer, seeing that they’ve been named the happiest nation on the planet. Citizens from all over the globe also condemned Trump’s deplorable remarks. One of the more biting responses was from Christian Christensen, an American professor of journalism at Stockholm University in neighboring Sweden, who said on Twitter: “Of course people from #Norway would love to move to a country where people are far more likely to be shot, live in poverty, get no healthcare because they’re poor, get no paid parental leave or subsidized daycare and see fewer women in political power. #Shithole” Ouch! We couldn’t have said it better ourselves although we’ll try with this photo-toon.

A wise Norwegian rejects American CEO/Dictator Donald Trump's tempting invitation to immigrate to a shithole country like the United States with its shithole leader.
A wise, happy Norwegian rejects American CEO/Dictator Donald Trump’s tempting invitation to immigrate to a shithole country like the United States with its shithole leader.