Thankfully the third and final debate of Con-a-thon 2020 is over and there’s only a week left before the general election on November 3rd. Again, most observers gave the win to Joe Biden. But more than a few corporate media outlets proclaimed that Donald Trump acted much more presidential in this event. The bar is set so low that if Trump doesn’t wet himself while crying about being the victim, he’s proclaimed ‘presidential’. Of course, the quintessential moment was when Biden accused Trump of not taking any responsibility for failure of the administration’s coronavirus response which prompted America’s Impeached CEO/Director to take full responsibility and blame it on China, like he’s done for the past eight months. There you have it, folks.
Early voting is way up so far in the 2020 election, which usually favors the Democrats. Polling also indicates that Democrats are doing well in swing states. Of course, we’ve been here before. We thought Hillary Clinton was a lock in 2016 and whammo . . . four years of hell under Trump! But most sites like, 270-to-win and Nate Silver’s 538 are predicting that the Democrats will definitely win the House, slightly favored to win the Senate and favored to win the White House. While this sounds great, don’t get complacent, folks. Be sure and vote!!! The world can’t take four more years of the petulant, orange-haired man child and malarkey king spewing forth orders from his gaping, prevaricating maw.