Ike’s Prescient Words

We’ve commented ad infinitum about the Republican’s desire to cut Social Security and Medicare. Now with Trump in the White House, they’ve got the bully they want who can shove these changes through. Bernie Sanders has mounted an effort to halt the cuts, but will it be enough. Trump is assembling an absolute wrecking crew in his cabinet. The billionaires he’s picking to serve will not only weaken the government, they will destroy it and the majority of us will be left with nothing and at the complete mercy of corporate America. It seems funny that these so called christians are fine with corporate welfare, but when average, older, tax paying citizens need help paying for food, medicine and the basics for living day to day, they tell them tough luck and kick them in the teeth.

Which brings us to the prescient words of the last great Republican president Dwight D. Eisenhower who stated “Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.” Well guess what folks: that splinter group has complete control of our government and they don’t give a damn about average Americans. Or in other words…they’re here!

Dwight D. Eisenhower stated on November 8, 1954 "Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."
The last, great Republican President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, warned America in the 1950s of a faction of rich, greedy bastards who wanted to cut Social Security and eliminate the social safety net for average Americans. Guess what folks…they’re here!

Trump’s Z-List Inaugural Jamboree

Much is being said about Donald Trump’s upcoming inauguration as the 45th President of the United States and the lack of star power he has so far attracted to the event. Much like the GOP convention, it looks like there will be a dearth of A-list entertainment options despite claims to the contrary by Trump and all his pals. About the only celebrities willing to perform are Kid Rock and Ted Nugent. We’re also sure Scott Baio is probably available. Maybe he could play some songs off of his albums. Actually, Alec Baldwin, who has been comically portraying Trump on SNL, has offered to perform at the inauguration if he can sing AC/DC’s Highway to Hell.

We think that maybe Trump will have to turn to the animal kingdom for performers. Maybe some YouTube cats, or some drum playing hound or maybe a piano playing squirrel. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Donald Trump is attracting top notch, A-List entertainers to perform at his inauguration like Nutsy, the piano playing squirrel.
Donald Trump is attracting top notch, A-List entertainers to perform at his inauguration like Nutsy, the piano playing squirrel.

TPing The World

The CIA has come out recently with evidence of Russia hacking the recent election in hopes of putting Donald Trump in the White House and the FBI has backed it up. It looks like even some Republicans are upset about the possible meddling of a foreign country in the American electoral process. Are these Republicans, like John McCain and Lindsay Graham, really upset, or are they just making it look good before the upcoming complete seizure of power that the conservative Republicans will inflict on this country one Trump is sworn in? Look at the headlines. This story should be the top story every second of the day and yet it’s already being relegated to the back burner by many main stream outlets. (Go to news.google.com and take a look.) If the situation was reversed and some foreign country had helped Hillary win, you know the conservative Republicans would be crying not stop and there would be non stop coverage.

Yes, American CEO/Dictator Donald Trump and his pal, Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin will almost certainly construct a new world order which will  bring unimaginable wealth for the corporate benefactors of both sides (mostly oil and defense industries) and make the rest of the world fear for their very existence. Hey the Cold War was good for business: at least those businesses related to defense and security. One thing will be for sure: citizens of this planet will have to do what Russia and the United States want or face the dire consequences. Let’s face it folks, planet Earth is screwed.

Bend over world, here come Trump and Putin.
With the forthcoming Trump-Putin new world order, the denizens of planet Earth appear to be royally screwed.


McConnell’s Treasonous Turtle Act

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell pulled his patented turtle act again for Con-a-thon 2016. It was recently revealed that McConnell knew about the Russians hacking the election but decided to keep quiet about it. Wow! What integrity! A foreign, hostile government hacked the U.S. elections and he wanted to keep it quiet because it benefited his party. A man like that should be shoveling elephant manure in a circus. Wait a second…that’s what he already does.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a.k.a 'The Turtle', boldly performs his turtle act and allows a foreign, hostile government to hack the U.S. elections allowing his fellow Republicans to commit treason and take complete control of the government.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a.k.a ‘The Turtle’, boldly performs his turtle act and allows a foreign, hostile government to hack the U.S. elections allowing his fellow Republicans to commit treason and take complete control of the government.

The Master Bait And Switcher

One of the most astonishing things about Con-a-thon 2016 that we just can’t believe was that so many old, white Teabagger patriots voted for Donald Trump and voted to keep a Republican majority in Congress. Although he claims that he won’t cut Social Security and Medicare (like we can believe anything he says) conservative Republicans have wanted to cut Social Security and Medicare since their inception and privatize everything. In ‘bidness’ terms, it’s called the old bait and switch. Yes, CONservative Republicans ‘compassionately’ want humans to suffer and die in horrible ways in their old age like in the good old days before the Great Depression when robber barons could work you more than eight hours a day, often for seven days a week and children didn’t waste precious energy playing, they worked for pennies a day. Does anybody honestly think Donald Trump would side with poor people instead of his fellow billionaires? It’s all about greed and making more money, more money, MORE MONEY.  He’s already stocking his cabinet with billionaires and corporatists. Why would so many low income people vote against their own interests and elect someone who will destroy their lives by getting rid of their safety net that enables them to live? Oh yeah…that’s right…Hillary Clinton used a private email server like Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice and the George W. Bush White House did.

Master bait and switcher and American CEO/Dictator Donald Trump vows to cut Social Security and Medicare to get those lazy mooching freeloading Senior Citizens back to work.
Older Teabagger patriots are experiencing a bit of regret about casting their vote for master bait and switcher and new American CEO/Dictator Donald Trump

Pence’s Inspiration

We’ve commented before about Vice President and modern day Puritan Mike Pence’s admiration for former Bush administration VP Dick Cheney.  Yes, Pence wants to be just like the lying, disingenuous architect of the clusterf*ck called the Iraq War in every phase including garnering an inspirational 13 percent approval rating. Way to aim high, Puritan Pence! We have no doubt that with his 17th century mindset, he’ll achieve his goal.

Vice President elect and modern day Puritan, Mike Pence, vows to achieve the same lofty 13% approval ratings as his idol, Bush administration Vice President Dick Cheney.
Vice President elect and modern day Puritan, Mike Pence, vows to achieve the same lofty 13% approval ratings as his idol, Bush administration Vice President Dick Cheney.

Election Truth: 54% Of Americans Don’t Want Trump As President

We’re back from our break from Con-a-thon 2016 and like most other sane Americans, we’re slowly coming to grips with the agonizing truth that Donald Trump will be this nation’s 45th President.

But votes are still rolling in and Hillary Clinton keeps adding to her popular vote lead which makes Trump’s ‘victory’ more illegitimate. As of today, Clinton has 65,224,885 votes to Trump’s 62,679,299 (a difference of 2,545,586.) The truth from this election is if you include the votes for the third party candidates, an overwhelming majority of 54% of Americans don’t want Trump to be President. And this doesn’t even include the voters that were successfully suppressed from voting by changes in the Voters Rights act. Green Party candidate Jill Stein is pushing for recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania and the Clinton campaign is joining in in Wisconsin. What’s interesting is that errors have been found in all three states where Trump got votes he shouldn’t have. Did something fishy occur in these three battleground states that should have gone easily to Clinton? Was the fix in? We’re not sure but we recall now that just after James Comey did his bit of election rigging, certain media outlets were commenting that Trump had a path to victory that included those three states that according to polls, were strongly favoring Clinton. Generally we’re not confident at all that anything will come of this effort at getting a recount. But we do find it interesting that despite winning, Trump is claiming election fraud, stating erroneously that millions of illegal voters voted which means in that in his mind, he actually won the popular vote. Maybe he’ll agree to a nation wide recount, especially in swing states, under the watchful eye of a majority of citizenry who don’t want him to be President.  Hey…we can hope can’t we.

Despite winning the election, American CEO/Dictator and massive egotist, Donald Trump, is so steamed that he didn't win the popular vote that he has demanded a recount, much to the delight of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.
Despite winning the election, American CEO/Dictator and massive egotist, Donald Trump, is so steamed that he didn’t win the popular vote that he has demanded a recount, much to the delight of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.