This will be our last post of our Ann Coulter retrospective because quite frankly we’re sick of her and we don’t want to waste any more of our precious energy on this pile of waste. Remember when the Living Skeleton said that ‘Jews can be perfected by finding Christ’. back in 2007? Here’s a photo-toon from our October 28, 2007 issue. Yes, the Nazis would have been proud of you Kommandant Coulter.
Neoconservative author and pundit, Ann Coulter, recently appeared on CNBC talk show, The Big Idea, and proudly proclaimed that Jews needed to be 'perfected' by becoming Christian.
Neoconservative author and commentator Ann Coulter thoughtfully bakes up some creme brulee loaded with hemlock, arsenic and other tasty toxins for liberal Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens. She's just joking, of course.
We don’t make fun of neocon personalities like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly or Ann Coulter very much anymore because frankly it’s just not worth it commenting on piles of dung that are shaped like human beings. But we’ll run a brief retrospective of Ms. Coulter with a couple of our favorite photo-toons from the early aughts. Here’s one from June 19th, 2006 where Annie aimed her rapier wit at those ruthless 9/11 widows.
'Compassionate' conservative author, Ann Coulter, gets a ringing endorsement on her new book, Godless: The Church of Liberalism, in which she comments on the 9/11 widows, "These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief-arazzis. I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much." .
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you probably know about the conservative movement’s new hero, Cliven Bundy. He’s the Nevada Rancher who’s been grazing his cattle on federal lands because he feels that it’s his land and not the gubmint’s. Well, as we all know from the Sarah Palin for Vice President fiasco in 2008, conservative Republicans don’t seem to be too good at the vetting process. Just after Fox News ‘journalist’ Sean Hannity, picked Mr. Bundy as his new American hero, ol’ Cliven proclaimed his belief that African Americans had a good thing going with slavery. Although initial indications are that Republicans are putting distance between themselves and ol’ Cliven (at least for the time being), we think that the GOP has a new position for him.
The Republican Party has announced that new conservative darling, Cliven Bundy, will be the new GOP strategist for the upcoming 2014 elections.