We’re Not Living On Tulsi Time

With all the drama of the impeachment unfolding on a day to day basis, the Democratic presidential primaries have been pushed to the back burner.
Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren continue to be the front runners, with Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Michael Bloomberg, Andrew Yang and Amy Klobuchar still hanging on with the Iowa caucuses just a week away.

One name that is amazingly still in the race despite anemic poll numbers is the curious case of Tulsi Gabbard. It has been suggested by Hillary Clinton that she’s a Russian agent, which has caused Gabbard to sue Clinton for defamation. Former candidate Kamala Harris scolded her for her criticism of Obama and her fellow Democrats. Is she a Russian plant? We don’t know, but her vote of ‘Present’ during the historic impeachment vote certainly didn’t quash the rumors and she announced she won’t seek re-election for her congressional seat in heavily Democratic Hawaii. As a matter of fact, Ms. Gabbard is now the most disliked Democrat. Why would any sane, rational person who has been conscious the past three years vote against impeachment, especially when the evidence is so overwhelming that the President abused his power and obstructed Congress (not to mention obstructed justice as the Mueller report volume 2 concluded)? Trump certainly approved of her vote.

So, what’s Tulsi’s game then? Is she a contrarian who just likes to criticize others in her party to bring attention to herself? She does support Bernie Sanders, who is a social democrat. She has strongly advocated most of the progressive Democrat’s issues in the past. But then again lately, she does seem to talk a lot like a Republican. She has also been sympathetic to Syrian dictator Bashar Assad. Ms. Gabbard appeared regularly on Fox News during the Obama administration and cozied up to Trump and Steve Bannon.

So, really . . . what is Ms. Gabbard’s deal? What’s her motivation? What the hell is she up to? We here at the Bucket think it’s something more egotistical. We think that the enigma that is Ms. Gabbard sees that the stairwell to the Democratic nomination is blocked and will be for many years to come with every Democrat currently still running polling well ahead of her. Like Reagan and Trump, (both former Democrats), the possibility exists that she could get the Republican nomination if she switches parties. Her vote against Trump’s impeachment certainly endeared her to Trump’s nutbag supporters and her approval is very strong from conservative males (gee, go figure that! . . . see the saga of Sarah Palin). Plus, she’s from a heavily Democratic state. Look at all the fawning Democrats do over moderate Republicans from heavily Republican states who side (or appear to side) with Dems (the late John McCain, Susan Collins, Spiff Romney) and you’ll get it. You have to have a gynormous ego to run for president, and Ms. Gabbard certainly is developing a colossal one. Since she has absolutely no chance to win the Democratic nomination in 2020, here’s our bold and fearless, purely comedic conjecture prediction for Ms. Gabbard: she runs for President as a Republican in 2024. Remember: we predicted a Ralph Nader landslide in the 2004 election so . . . yeah . . . we’re . . . probably . . . wrong.

Could it be that Tulsi Gabbard's presidential ambitions may be so great that she'd switch parties in 2024, and because of her impeachment vote, she'd get the blessings of America's current CEO/Dictator Donald Trump and his following of nutcase supporters? Stay tuned, folks!
Could it be that Tulsi Gabbard’s presidential ambitions may be so great that she’d switch parties in 2024, and because of her impeachment vote, she’d get the blessings of America’s current CEO/Dictator Donald Trump and his following of nutcase supporters? Stay tuned, folks!

Shades Of Nixon

In a stunning move Tuesday, American CEO/Dictator Donald Trump, fired FBI Director and man who got him elected, James Comey. This coming just days after Comey asked for more resources to investigate Trump’s connections to Russia. Wow! This smacks of Watergate, when Richard Nixon fired special prosecutor Archibald Cox in what came to be known as the Saturday Night Massacre. Donald Trump’s move is more like an authoritarian tyrant in a dictatorship than a President in a democracy.

But what’s really absurd about this is that Attorney Confederate General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, despite his recusal from the Russia ties investigation, suggested the firing supposedly because of the way Comey handled the Hillary Clinton email investigation. So now the Republicans are appalled that the FBI was so mean to Hillary (despite Trump leading chants of ‘Lock Her Up’ during the entire campaign). Or is it that they failed to plant evidence which would say she’s guilty, like the Republicans want. This is stinking worse than the stockyards during a heat wave. Better get out your waders, folks; the bullshit being shoveled by the Republicans is going to get taller than James Comey.

American CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, fires FBI director and one tall dude, James Comey, for his mishandling of the Hillary Clinton investigation, and not because Comey was close to exposing evidence about Trump's collusion with Russia during the 2016 election.
American CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, fires FBI director and one tall dude, James Comey, for his mishandling of the Hillary Clinton investigation, and not because Comey was close to exposing evidence about  Trump’s collusion with Russia during the 2016 election.


Election Truth: 54% Of Americans Don’t Want Trump As President

We’re back from our break from Con-a-thon 2016 and like most other sane Americans, we’re slowly coming to grips with the agonizing truth that Donald Trump will be this nation’s 45th President.

But votes are still rolling in and Hillary Clinton keeps adding to her popular vote lead which makes Trump’s ‘victory’ more illegitimate. As of today, Clinton has 65,224,885 votes to Trump’s 62,679,299 (a difference of 2,545,586.) The truth from this election is if you include the votes for the third party candidates, an overwhelming majority of 54% of Americans don’t want Trump to be President. And this doesn’t even include the voters that were successfully suppressed from voting by changes in the Voters Rights act. Green Party candidate Jill Stein is pushing for recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania and the Clinton campaign is joining in in Wisconsin. What’s interesting is that errors have been found in all three states where Trump got votes he shouldn’t have. Did something fishy occur in these three battleground states that should have gone easily to Clinton? Was the fix in? We’re not sure but we recall now that just after James Comey did his bit of election rigging, certain media outlets were commenting that Trump had a path to victory that included those three states that according to polls, were strongly favoring Clinton. Generally we’re not confident at all that anything will come of this effort at getting a recount. But we do find it interesting that despite winning, Trump is claiming election fraud, stating erroneously that millions of illegal voters voted which means in that in his mind, he actually won the popular vote. Maybe he’ll agree to a nation wide recount, especially in swing states, under the watchful eye of a majority of citizenry who don’t want him to be President.  Hey…we can hope can’t we.

Despite winning the election, American CEO/Dictator and massive egotist, Donald Trump, is so steamed that he didn't win the popular vote that he has demanded a recount, much to the delight of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.
Despite winning the election, American CEO/Dictator and massive egotist, Donald Trump, is so steamed that he didn’t win the popular vote that he has demanded a recount, much to the delight of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Much Ado About Nothing

As most sane people figured, the FBI’s reopening of the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails produced no new results. But at least both Republicans and Democrats seem to agree on one thing: FBI director James Comey will probably be out of a job real soon.

Tuesday is election day America. GO VOTE!!!

Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump tell FBI director James Comey "You're fired!"
On the eve of the election, Republicans and Democrats have finally found something upon which they can agree.

Republicans: Making Russia Great Again

Several incredibly disturbing items of information have come to light since FBI director James Comey decided to make this farce of an election called Con-a-thon 2016 more excruciating last Friday.

First of all, this may be all to do about nothing. In clarifying his purpose, Comey stated that he said they may be a connection with Anthony Weiner’s email to Clinton, not that there was. And since there are over 600,000 emails to process, a solid answer won’t be known until after the election.  The DOJ has already filed a complaint against Comey and several former Attorney Generals, including former Bush lackey, Alberto Gonzales,  have stepped forward and accused Comey of wrongdoing. Well, how convenient Mr. James Comey! You don’t know for sure, but you thought you’d give into the Republican pressure and throw some kerosene on the fire.

Second of all, information has leaked about a possible computer connection between Donald Trump and Russia. Much has been made about the bromance between Trump and Russian leader, Vladimir Putin. Trump and many top Republicans have even stated that Putin is a stronger leader than Obama, completely ignoring the fact that Putin is an authoritarian dictator, which speaks volumes about the mindset of the current Teabagger Republicans.

Which brings us back to James Comey. Comey has said that he doesn’t believe there’s a connection between Trump and Russia and didn’t want to pursue the matter before the election. But yet, he was perfectly fine with bringing up the remote possibility of finding a connection between Weiner and Hillary Clinton before the election. We think your partisanship is showing Mr. Comey. We also think maybe unemployment may be an option in your immediate future.

And for all those Republicans who think Vladimir Putin is so great…MOVE TO RUSSIA!!!

Vladimir Putin welcomes Republicans to Russia and initiates them to Putin style freedom of speech and press.
Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, welcomes with pointed AK-47, all Republicans who admire his ‘democratic’ style.

Comey’s October Surprise

Just when you thought the possibility of a Trumpocalypse was over and you could breath safely…

FBI Director and one tall dude(6’8″), James Comey, decided Friday that Americans weren’t stressed out enough about the elections and decided to throw some raw meat to Donald Trump’s drooling thugs. Comey, a lifelong Republican, decided to conveniently re-open the email investigations with a little more than a week left until the election. This investigation doesn’t concern emails on Hillary’s server, but emails pertaining to Anthony Weiner. Comey, claims that he just wants to make sure that there is no wrongdoing here or as one lawyer put it, he’s covering his ass. The DOJ promptly fired back with a complaint against Comey. We find it interesting, that Comey, who claims he isn’t a Republican anymore, has long had ties to them and he even did his thesis in college on everyone’s favorite evangelical theocrat James Falwell. What’s interesting is that back in June, Comey claimed the matter closed and that no reasonable prosecutor would pursue the matter. But here it is, almost election time (and Halloween)…and surprise, surpise – more emails! Maybe Comey had this planned all along like the Democrats are now claiming. Or maybe he is just covering his ass and making absolutely positive that there was no wrongdoing like he did before.  All we know is that this goddamn farce that is Con-a-thon 2016 can’t get over soon enough. Thanks for the added stress Mr. James Comey! Can we send our medical bills for anxiety and mental fatigue to you?

FBI director James Comey says that Hillary Clinton is too far ahead and decided to give Trump's easily pissed off supporters more red meat on which they can gnaw.
FBI director James Comey decided that there wasn’t enough tension in the 2016 Presidential election, so he decided to throw some red meat to Donald Trump’s rabid, easily pissed off supporters to make things interesting.

Arizona’s Crusty Old Obstructionist

We’ve commented before about so called ‘maverick’ Arizona Senator John McCain’s about face on Senate confirmation of Supreme Court nominations. Well, he recently confirmed what everyone knew; that the Republicans will continue their pattern of obstructionism if Hillary Clinton becomes President. To hell with his constitutional duty; the Republican Party comes first in America. This pretty much cements our opinion here at the Bucket that Senator McCain is well past his prime and needs to retire. Fortunately, his Democrat opponent, Ann Kirkpatrick, is hitting hard with her ads against McCain, commenting about his support of right wing wackos from Sarah Palin to Donald Trump. Will it be enough to defeat him? We’re not holding our breath. Unfortunately, most polls indicate McCain winning handily. So it appears we’ll have at least six more years of Republican partisanship with our crusty, old, obstructionist prospector senator, John McCain.

Crusty old coot John McCain promises to be agin' all of Hillary Clinton's Supreme Court Justice picks even if she picks him.
Many sane Arizonans are fed up with crusty old coot and Republican Senator John McCain’s obstructionist shenanigans and vigorously encourage his retirement from politics.

Baby Temper Tantrump

Mercifully, the last debate of the farce that is Con-a-thon 2016 is over. Probably the biggest moment of the debate was when orange haired, authoritarian megalomaniac and GOP nominee, Donald Trump, refused to say whether or not he would accept the results of the election. We really shouldn’t be surprised by Trump’s behavior any more. For the last year and a half, he’s acted pretty much like a big baby, who whines when things don’t go his way and blames everyone else for his misfortune.

The strangest twist to come from the debate is that amid Trump’s charges of a ‘rigged’ election, the Donald’s bromance partner, Vladimir Putin and Russia now want to monitor the U.S. elections to guarantee smooth, safe, truthful democratic elections…because…you know…when you think of smooth, safe, truthful, democratic elections you automatically think of Russia.

Needless to say, we can’t wait for this stupid election to be over. Come on November 8th!

GOP nominee Donald Trump throws a temper tantrum as he refuses to accept the results of the U.S. elections if he loses, which prompts his bromance partner, Vladimir Putin to step in to assure a 'democratic' election.
Vladimir Putin leader of the world’s super democracy, Russia, steps in to defend poor, little, innocent GOP nominee Donnie Trump and guarantee an election result much to Trump’s liking.

America’s Ultimate Creepy Clown

Sometimes reality writes the best jokes…

There have been a rash of creepy clown sightings world wide recently. But nothing like the huuuuuuuge sighting last night in St. Louis, Missouri at the 2nd Presidential Debate. Yes America… Donald Trump is the Ultimate Creepy Clown.

Donald Trump stakes his claim as America's ultimate creepy clown.
There was a huuuuuge creepy clown sighting at the 2nd Presidential Debate last night in St. Louis, Missouri.

Paying Taxes Is For Losers

Another day, another ugly revelation about Donald Trump. They’re coming so fast and furious we can’t keep up with them. A tape surfaced Friday which revealed that Donald Trump was not just a misogynist but a perverted misogynist and unbelievably people are shocked! This authoritarian megalomaniac has been saying lewd things about women for the past year and people are still shocked???!!!!

But we’ll comment further on that in upcoming posts. For now, we’re going to try to catch up on the Donald possibly not paying taxes for the past twenty years. In the first presidential debate, Hillary goaded Trump into pretty much admitting he pays no income tax. Furthermore, he thinks he’s smart for doing so. Not only that, Trump’s acolytes like Suckinupagus Christie and Rudy Giuliani praised Trump and called Trump a genius for not paying his fair share. Of course, this is a core belief that Republicans have been adhering to since…forever. Paying taxes is for losers. Only people with money shouldn’t have to pay taxes because they’re ‘winners’. Or in other words, I got mine… f*ck you! Now, we’d hardly call that a christian attitude. But then again, the Republicans have been conning the evangelicals for years. Look at the GOP nominee for President and his puritanical VP. We’re pretty sure that greedmeister Trump will come up with some sure fire plan to make money off of not paying his taxes. His sheeple are already lining up. Like P.T. Barnum said “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

Authoritarian megalomaniac, GOP nominee and 'tax genius', Donald Trump, exhorts one of his many peons that if he works hard and makes him President, then he'll get a real deal on a tax tip so he doesn't have to pay taxes like a loser.
Authoritarian, megalomaniac con man, GOP nominee and ‘tax genius’, Donald Trump, exhorts one of his many peons that if he works hard and makes him President, then he’ll get a real deal on a tax tip so he doesn’t have to pay taxes like a loser.