Election Truth: 54% Of Americans Don’t Want Trump As President

We’re back from our break from Con-a-thon 2016 and like most other sane Americans, we’re slowly coming to grips with the agonizing truth that Donald Trump will be this nation’s 45th President.

But votes are still rolling in and Hillary Clinton keeps adding to her popular vote lead which makes Trump’s ‘victory’ more illegitimate. As of today, Clinton has 65,224,885 votes to Trump’s 62,679,299 (a difference of 2,545,586.) The truth from this election is if you include the votes for the third party candidates, an overwhelming majority of 54% of Americans don’t want Trump to be President. And this doesn’t even include the voters that were successfully suppressed from voting by changes in the Voters Rights act. Green Party candidate Jill Stein is pushing for recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania and the Clinton campaign is joining in in Wisconsin. What’s interesting is that errors have been found in all three states where Trump got votes he shouldn’t have. Did something fishy occur in these three battleground states that should have gone easily to Clinton? Was the fix in? We’re not sure but we recall now that just after James Comey did his bit of election rigging, certain media outlets were commenting that Trump had a path to victory that included those three states that according to polls, were strongly favoring Clinton. Generally we’re not confident at all that anything will come of this effort at getting a recount. But we do find it interesting that despite winning, Trump is claiming election fraud, stating erroneously that millions of illegal voters voted which means in that in his mind, he actually won the popular vote. Maybe he’ll agree to a nation wide recount, especially in swing states, under the watchful eye of a majority of citizenry who don’t want him to be President.  Hey…we can hope can’t we.

Despite winning the election, American CEO/Dictator and massive egotist, Donald Trump, is so steamed that he didn't win the popular vote that he has demanded a recount, much to the delight of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.
Despite winning the election, American CEO/Dictator and massive egotist, Donald Trump, is so steamed that he didn’t win the popular vote that he has demanded a recount, much to the delight of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.