Sweden: Hot Bed Of Terrorism…Or Is That Tourism?

Another alternative fact was born this weekend at one of Donald Trump’s Nuremberg rallies in Florida. America’s CEO/Dictator made a huge deal about what a mess the world was in and then proceeded to talk about all the terrorism problems in Sweden…because…you know….when you think about hot beds of terrorism you don’t think of Iraq, or Syria or Afghanistan…you think of….Sweden. People in Sweden even spoke up and were wondering what the hell Trump was talking about.

The GOP enablers were quick to defend the orange haired rage monster by claiming he was quoting a story on Fox News, a.k.a. the Republican Propaganda Network about an increase in violent crimes, supposedly related to immigrants, even though statistics show that the overall crime rate has gone down since 2005.  But as we’ve found out already, facts don’t matter to Republicans…they just create their own alternative facts to suit their own agenda.

Unfortunately, thanks to the ever vigilant Donald Trump, the world has to cross Sweden off it’s list of likely tourist destinations.

Look what's happening in that hotbed of terrorism, Sweden. Oh the humanity!
Look what’s happening in that hotbed of terrorism, Sweden. Oh the humanity!

Children Of The Don

The adult children of GOP nominee Donald Trump made headlines this past week by releasing a truly creepy ad aimed at Millennials. Ivanka, Eric and Donald Jr. looked eerily like some combination of the Children of the Corn, Invasion of the Body Snatchers and the Stepford Wives as they seem to be saying to their peers: Vote for our dad… or we will destroy you! It kind of makes us glad that we’re old coots here at the Bucket, and we’ll be kicking the bucket relatively soon. We’d hate to have to live in a world where these soulless husks of human flesh rule over humanity. At least they’ve got a future in horror movies.

Ivanka, Donald Jr. and Eric Trump command millennials Children of the Corn style to vote for their dad or face complete destruction.
Donald Trump’s children, Ivanka, Eric and Donald Jr,  have released a new ad that commands Millennials to vote for their dad or face the dire consequences.

Do Unto Your Brother; But Only If He’s Christian

The big news lately in the wake of the Paris terrorists’ attack last week is what to do with the Syrian refugees. Many Americans are against letting them into the country at all, while others are demanding stricter standards for allowing them into the country. While we think sending troops to Syria is a knee jerk reaction, we  think stricter vetting of the refugees isn’t such a bad idea. We should use the same solid background checks that we use for any American who wants to purchase a gun. What could possibly go wrong with that plan? (Side note:Ms. Ubetcha, Sarah Palin, recently piped up and said Jesus would have loved guns.)

We also find it a bit odd that the most christian of the christians of the Republican candidates are saying that only christian refugees should be allowed into the country. Hmmmm…what would Capitalist Jesus have to say about that?

Capitalist Jesus, who is also very Republican, confesses his love for guns and suggests to use them on Syrian refugees because Christians rule.
Capitalist Jesus, who is also very Republican, confesses his love for guns and suggests a use for them to his gun loving Christian followers.


Rewind: Extreme Trump Makeovers

In honor of ‘the Donald’ leading the other Republican clowns in the early months of Con-a-thon 2016 and Dubya writing a fundraising letter for his brother Jeb, we’d thought we would rewind back to a photo-toon we did in our April 25, 2004 issue; back when Trump was king of reality television with his new hit ‘The Apprentice’ and Dubya was using scare tactics on the American sheeple so he could have four more years of ‘presidentin’. Ahhhh! Fun times!

George W. Bush, 'Dubya', uses scare tactics on the American public on the first episode of the of the new reality show, 'Extreme Trump Makeovers'.
Members of the Bush Administration are the first contestants of the new reality show, 'Extreme Trump Makeovers'. From left:Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, President Bush, Donald Rumsfeld.


The Benghazi Deception

The fine ‘journalists’ of the Republican Propaganda Network, a.k.a. Fox News have been going into overtime the last couple of years over the attack at an American compound in Benghazi, Libya in 2012, which resulted in four deaths. Of course, because these right wing conservatives are so…eh-hem… ‘unbiased and fair’, they conveniently fail to mention the thirteen Benghazi like incidents which happened under George W. Bush’s watch, which incidentally resulted in 97 deaths. That’s right folks; 13 Benghazis under George W. Bush. And of course, no one mentions Dubya’s biggest security blunder; the 9/11 terrorist attacks on New York, which resulted in 3000 deaths. We don’t usually post graphics from other web sites, but sometimes the graphics just say it all. Here’s a graphic that says what we want to say perfectly.

Republicans continue to whine over the Benghazi attacks while conveniently forgetting the massive security blunders of George W. Bush.
Republicans continue to whine over the Benghazi attacks while conveniently forgetting the massive security blunders of George W. Bush.