Trump’s Z-List Inaugural Jamboree

Much is being said about Donald Trump’s upcoming inauguration as the 45th President of the United States and the lack of star power he has so far attracted to the event. Much like the GOP convention, it looks like there will be a dearth of A-list entertainment options despite claims to the contrary by Trump and all his pals. About the only celebrities willing to perform are Kid Rock and Ted Nugent. We’re also sure Scott Baio is probably available. Maybe he could play some songs off of his albums. Actually, Alec Baldwin, who has been comically portraying Trump on SNL, has offered to perform at the inauguration if he can sing AC/DC’s Highway to Hell.

We think that maybe Trump will have to turn to the animal kingdom for performers. Maybe some YouTube cats, or some drum playing hound or maybe a piano playing squirrel. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Donald Trump is attracting top notch, A-List entertainers to perform at his inauguration like Nutsy, the piano playing squirrel.
Donald Trump is attracting top notch, A-List entertainers to perform at his inauguration like Nutsy, the piano playing squirrel.