The British Trump

The United States isn’t the only country being overrun by right wing conservatives seizing control of the power structures. Many countries throughout the world have seen hard line conservative parties gain power and predictably are establishing authoritarian measures to make sure they stay in power. This past week, conservative Boris Johnson became the new Prime Minister in the United Kingdom. Johnson has been described as the British Donald Trump . . .you know . . . narcissistic womanizer with not a bit of intelligence. We thought that the U.K. went off the deep end when they voted for Brexit. With Boris Johnson taking the helm, we’re pretty sure the sun has set on the British Empire.

So, what is behind the rise of all these right wing, authoritarian conservative gaining power throughout the western world? Could Russian President Vladimir Putin have something to do with the rise of authoritarianism and the decline of western democracies? We’re thinking, yes. Modern day Russia is basically a corrupt oligarchy, where only the rich and powerful have a say so in how the country is run. Since the fall of communism and the Soviet Union in the early ’90s, Russia has gone through some pretty rough years which has given rise to the oligarchs. Putin was pretty peeved that his country lost the Cold War. But the former KGB operative is intelligent and very clever. Over the past twenty years, he and the deep pocketed Russian oligarchs have systematically used capitalism as a weapon against the western capitalist democracies and, as we’re seeing now, to devastating effect. They know that one common trait among all capitalistic countries is greed; the life’s blood of capitalism. There are any number of egotistical, power hungry people in western democracies who’d sell out their own mother for money, wealth and power. Trump’s connections to Russia are well known despite his protests and denials. Boris Johnson also has conflicts. Other countries have also shown a susceptibility to make corrupt deals with Russia.

In his testimony to Congress this past week, Robert Mueller explicitly warned that Russia interfered in the 2016 election and is on it’s way to mucking up our elections in 2020. And the Mueller report also states that Trump openly welcomed Russian interference (there are videos of Trump openly asking Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails). Russian oligarchs have used corrupt, crony capitalism to amass their considerable fortunes and they will spare no expense supporting the best hackers available in undermining our democratic institutions. And yet Mitch McConnell blocked legislation that would provide protection against hacking in the upcoming election. We guess Turtle Boy knows that the Republicans can’t win again without Russia’s help.

So Britain now has it’s own Donald Trump. We here at the Bucket see Putin as a James Bond Super Villain who dispenses helpful hints for those wanting to remake western democracies into Putin-style oligarchies. All you have to do is buy off wacky haired, egotistical, narcissistic, populist, capitalist megalomaniacs like Boris Johnson and Trump, who love money, fame and power. Oh, and don’t forget those wacky haired communist leaders like Kim Jong Un.

Russian President and James Bond Super Villain, Vladimir Putin, recently dispensed a helpful hint for those wishing to control the world: buy off men who are narcissistic megalomaniacs with wacky hairdos.
Russian President and James Bond Super Villain, Vladimir Putin, recently dispensed a helpful hint for those wishing to control the world: buy off men who are narcissistic megalomaniacs with wacky hairdos.

The Axis Of Vile

Once again, America’s CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, has managed to embarrass the United States on the world stage. This time, he’s pretty much admitted to treason against his country and completely submitted to Russia’s president/dictator, Vladimir Putin. In an ‘historic’ meeting with the Russian strongman, Trump called out his own country’s intelligence agencies, all of whom have come to the conclusion that Russia interfered in the 2016 elections, and yet sided with Putin. Can you imagine if conservative patron saint, St. Ronald Reagan had done something like that back in the ’80s with Mikhail Gorbachev? “The CIA says not to trust you Gorby, but I’ll give up all our nuclear weapons and you can keep yours.” Once again, provides an excellent analysis on what the hell happened in Helsinki.

Prior to the summit, or shall we say submit, Trump also called America’s European allies in the European Union ‘foes’. Last week at the NATO summit, he managed to practically withdraw the United States from the organization. Like a former Russian envoy said, “Putin has to do nothing to undermine the alliances and international institutions that helped to advance American security and prosperity for the last several decades. Trump is doing all the work for him.” WTF!!!

So what does this all mean? Are we now forming an ‘axis of vile’ against the rest of the world? Are we now in cahoots with authoritarian regimes like North Korea and Russia? Or is Trump just doing what he was supposed to do when Russia hacked the election in 2016; make Russia great again? We don’t know but we’re getting pretty sick of this shit. We think our elected officials should probably start getting off their lazy asses and aggressively pursuing removing this idiot from office before he gives Putin the keys to the White House. Either that or we guess we’d better all start learning Russian.

America's CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, has joined a super cool new club called the Axis of Vile with his authoritarian strongmen pals Kim Jong Un of North Korea and Vlad Putin of Russia.
America’s CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, has joined a super cool, new club called the Axis of Vile with his authoritarian strongmen pals Kim Jong Un of North Korea and Vlad Putin of Russia.

Trump’s New Tough Guy Alliance

The Trump-Kim summit has concluded and there’s some strange and disturbing things that have become crystal clear. One is that, apparently Trump has decided to end our alliance with freedom loving western democracies like France, Germany, Canada and Britain. His disrespect of those countries leaders during the G7 summit couldn’t have been more obvious. Then he proclaimed that Russia should be invited back into the group, again avoiding any kind of bad mouthing of authoritarian Vladimir Putin, who has repeatedly repressed free speech and press in Russia as that country’s dear Leader since the 20th century.

Trump’s kind words for Kim Jong Un also brought concern since the North Korean dictator has proven to be a very cruel authoritarian leader in his own country. Trump even said that he wants the people of the United States to treat him the same way North Koreans treat their dear Leader; with awe and reverence. Most analysts conclude that this was clearly a victory for Kim. Trump’s actions have elevated a tin horn dictator to a seat at the adult table with the big boys of the world. So basically, we’ve made North Korea and Russia great and relevant.

So, America’s new tough guy allies are authoritarian dictatorships, North Korea and Russia. These are countries that value only true devotion to their leader and democratic institutions like free speech and freedom of the press are suppressed and punished with extreme cruelty and even death. The fact that so many Republicans are drinking the Kool-Aid and signing up for the ‘cult of Trump’ is truly alarming. Trump is looking more and more like a certain WWII dictator from Germany to us. Please refer to our handy dandy right wing conservative fascist checklist to see for yourself.

American CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, introduces America's swell new allies, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and Russian strongman, Vlad Putin, who are super cool, way funny, bigly sexy and pretty gosh darn tough.
American CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, introduces America’s swell new allies, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and Russian strongman, Vlad Putin, who are super cool, way funny, bigly sexy and pretty gosh darn tough.

Peace Through Ineptitude

Last week, North Korea and South Korea took a huge step toward peace when North Korea’s Kim Jong Un met with South Korea’s leader Moon Jae-in in the demilitarized zone on the border between the two countries. Kim Jong Un has announced his intention to make strides toward a nuclear free Korean peninsula.

So what caused Kim Jong Un’s about face after threatening the west with nuclear annihilation for the past seven years or ever since he came to power? Well, apparently North Korea’s test facility has completely collapsed after the last test and may be unusable. So that would definitely change Kim Jong Un’s tune if he couldn’t back up his churlish threats with, you know, actual firepower. We’re thinking that’s a of lot of egg on Kim Jong Un’s face.

But what is really strange is that Trump is somehow receiving credit for the Korean peace summit. Top Republicans have even submitted his name for a Nobel Peace Prize. But what’s even more peculiar is that the United States press and media has seemingly buried the test site’s collapse. Go ahead and Google ‘north korea test site collapse’ and the latest stories all date to April 25-26, 2018. Instead of stating the obvious reason for Kim Jong Un’s sudden enthusiasm for peace, it’s letting slide the narrative that Donald Trump is responsible for ridding the Korean peninsula of nuclear weapons without even mentioning the collapsed site. We think the destroyed test site is huge! Why is this news not getting more attention by the media? Not even the late night comedians have mentioned it. Just more bizarre events in a bizarro world where Donald Trump is somehow now the world’s greatest peacekeeper.

Now that Trump has nixed the Iran deal despite urgent pleas from our allies in France, U.K. and Germany, not to, we wonder if America’s CEO/Dictator/’Peace Guru’ will use the same game of nuclear brinkmanship that he used with North Korea. For the sake of the planet, we certainly hope not.

After his nuclear test site collapsed, wacky-coiffed, egg wearing North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, proclaims he's all for peace which prompts wacky-coiffed, egg laying American CEO/Dictator/'Peace Guru', Donald Trump, to announce that he will boldly try the same nuclear brinkmanship/peace plan on Iran.
After his nuclear test site collapsed, wacky-coiffed, egg wearing North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, proclaims he’s all for peace which prompts wacky-coiffed, egg laying American CEO/Dictator/’Peace Guru’, Donald Trump, to announce that he will boldly try the same nuclear brinkmanship/peace plan on Iran.

A Hair Raising Predicament

Things haven’t been going well for America’s CEO/Dictator Donald Trump lately. Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has been pushing forth on the Russia investigation and has impaneled a grand jury, which may or may not indicate an indictment is near. Not only that, Trump’s approval ratings continue to drop. So, as it so often goes when things go south for world leaders and they need a distraction, the one thing that can change everything around in a hurry is a war. And Trump has a very convenient obnoxious opponent waiting in the wings to give Trump a boost.

Kim Jong Un has been saber rattling…or shall we say…missile rattling ever since he came to power in 2011. He tried to rattle Obama, but failed. But Trump has a man-child mentality exactly like Kim Jong Un does (which is why Jong-Un supported Trump for President). When the North Korean leader started boasting that he was going to hit the United States, instead of a calm, even, adult response, Trump acted like any eighth grader would and stoked the nuclear fires with promises of ‘fire and fury’. Then Kim Jong Un responded by threatening to hit Guam, which is a U.S. territory in the Pacific Ocean.

So now it’s game on, much to the horror of every living thing on this planet. The two most infantile leaders on Earth have exchanged barbs over who has the biggest missiles. Now every nation on edge thanks to the little boy in North Korea with a bad hair cut, who wants to prove what a manly man he is by picking a fight with the most powerful country in the world, whose leader is an unstable megalomaniac, who openly wondered why we didn’t use nuclear weapons. We just hope the subject doesn’t change to who has the wackiest hair; then it’s game over.

The two most infantile leaders in the world, North Korea's Kim Jong Un and America's CEO/Dictator Donald Trump, have decided to start a nuclear war over who has the wackiest hair know...they're insane.
The two most infantile leaders in the world, North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and America’s CEO/Dictator Donald Trump, have decided to start a nuclear war over who has the wackiest hair because…you know…they’re insane.

World War III: Trumpocalypse Now

We’re not pulling any punches here at the Bucket. We are vehemently anti-Donald Trump. Sure Hillary Clinton isn’t perfect, but she is basically a centrist Democrat and a moderate Republican. Like our guy Bernie Sanders has said, even on her worst days, she’s still one thousand times better than Mr. Trump.

There are countless reasons to not elect GOP frontrunner Donald Trump president. So far, he’s been as fickle as the wind on foreign and domestic issues alike. Oh, it’s Tuesday, then he’s for punishing women for abortions. If it’s Wednesday’s and the wind’s from the northwest, then women shouldn’t be punished. He used to be for gun control, but now he’s all for everyone having guns everywhere. Other issues he’s been for and against: transgender bathroom usage, same-sex marriage, NATO, reducing the national debt, Planned Parenthood, violence for political gain, etc…

But probably the biggest reason not to elect this psychopath is his foreign policy experience. We can’t think of a more dangerous person to have his finger on the nuclear button than this egomaniacal, authoritarian rage monster. The thought should make every sane Americans blood run cold. Let’s take the recent incident when U.S. sailors ventured into Iranian waters and were taken prisoners. Within a day, thanks to diplomacy by the Obama administration, the sailors were released. But Mr. Trump wanted to get tough with Iran (and possibly start World War III), which will undoubtedly be a nuclear war. He’s already sending mixed messages on foreign war policy as well. He stated that the U.S. shouldn’t be involved in foreign wars. But then he turns around and says he’d carpet bomb ISIS and show force in Syria. Can you imagine the Donald handling incidents with North Korea, China, the Ukraine, the Middle East. Just the slightest provocation would send Trump to the nuclear button. He’s already said, he would use nuclear weapons. Who knows — if Mexico doesn’t agree to build the border wall that Trump wants, he may send a few warheads southward.

The bottom line is this; if a person is thinking about voting for Trump, then that person should be prepared to go to war themselves, or send their sons, daughters or grandchildren to war. And this war won’t be just any war. It will be World War III: the Trumpocalypse.

In Donald Trump's new patriotic poster, an exuberant Trump supporter exhorts other Americans to join the fun in World War III: the Trumpocalypse.
In Donald Trump’s new patriotic poster, an exuberant Trump supporter exhorts other Americans to join the fun in World War III: the Trumpocalypse.

Daffy and Dethpicable

Kim Jong Il reportedly was a huge Daffy Duck fan. He owned the complete collection of episodes and also had a humongous collection of memorabilia. Who knows? Maybe he wanted to be Daffy Duck? Here’s a photo-toon of the dethpicable dictator from our October 28, 2006 issue.

North Korean dictator and Daffy Duck afficionado, Kim Jong Il, reflects on detonating a nuclear device last week, thus possibly jeopardizing regional and world peace.

Rewind: Zany Zealots

A couple posts ago, the recent failure of North Korea’s long range missile reminded us of Kim Jong Il’s wilted missile back in 2006. Which got us thinking about all the anti-American zealots in the past decade who have died or gotten themselves captured and killed. We’ve decided to do a brief photo-toon retrospective on these radical, rabble-rousing, pain-in-the-worlds-asses. Plus, we’ve also got nothing new to put up so we decided to recycle for a while.

Kim Jong Il was known for his rather odd hairdos and his enforcement of hair styles on the people of North Korea. Here’s a photo-toon from our February 13, 2005 issue which shows North Koreans and visitors alike falling in line with the decree that all must follow the Great Leader.

North Korean dictator, Kim Jong Il, enforces his new policy where every citizen must wear the same hairdo as the illustrious matter what.



Wilted Missile: Like Father, Like Son

It was reported this week that North Korea’s test of a long range Taepodong 2 missile into orbit, broke up and fell into the Yellow Sea west of Seoul. This launch was supposed to showcase to the world the technological advancement of North Korea’s military under new leader Kim Jong Un, son of Kim Jong Il. But just like his father’s missile test in 2006, it failed with the world watching. Here’s a photo-toon from our July 7, 2006 issue which shows Kim Jong Il’s reaction to that unsuccessful missile test.

North Korean dictator, Kim Jong Il, sporting his latest wacky hairdo, watches the test launch of North Korea's long range Taepodong 2 missile with his military advisors.