Tag Archive for missile

Slava Ukraini

We’re in the last week of 2022 and there were several huge stories throughout the year: COVID-19 continued its assault on the human race, NASA sent another rocket to the Moon after fifty years and the Democrats preserved democracy for a little while longer and managed to pass major legislation in the process. But probably the biggest story on the world stage was the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the emergence of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy as a symbol of democracy for the world.

Last week President Zelenskyy made a surprise visit to Washington and he gave a impassioned speech to Congress. Zelenskyy is very media savvy and made a convincing argument for the United States’ continued support of Ukraine in their battle against Russia. The Russians thought they’d roll over their neighbors, but the Ukrainians have resisted admirably. How much longer will this war continue? Despite rumors of a cease fire coming soon, it appears that the war will more than likely drag on for most of 2023. Zelenskyy has said that the Ukrainians will never give up and we believe him. At least the United States has committed to helping Ukraine obtain freedom and democracy for its people.

Slava Ukraini!!! Support Ukraine!!! Support Democracy!!!

Slava Ukraini!!! Support Ukraine!!! Support Democracy!!!
Slava Ukraini!!! Support Ukraine!!! Support Democracy!!!

Wilted Missile: Like Father, Like Son

It was reported this week that North Korea’s test of a long range Taepodong 2 missile into orbit, broke up and fell into the Yellow Sea west of Seoul. This launch was supposed to showcase to the world the technological advancement of North Korea’s military under new leader Kim Jong Un, son of Kim Jong Il. But just like his father’s missile test in 2006, it failed with the world watching. Here’s a photo-toon from our July 7, 2006 issue which shows Kim Jong Il’s reaction to that unsuccessful missile test.

North Korean dictator, Kim Jong Il, sporting his latest wacky hairdo, watches the test launch of North Korea's long range Taepodong 2 missile with his military advisors.