Thoughts And Prayers Aren’t Working

Another day, another mass shooting. Ahhhh, America! Memorial Day weekend was celebrated with eleven mass shootings. We’ve commented about the ineptitude of our lawmakers in relation to common sense gun laws numerous times before here over the years. And the cowardly corporate lackeys who call themselves Senators and Representatives are once again trotting out the empty platitudes of ‘thoughts and prayers’ after the deadly Uvalde school shooting last week and the horrendous massacre at supermarket in Buffalo on May 14th. Will these shootings be the ones that will get some gun control legislation passed? Sorry to be pessimistic, but no. This nation has a colossal problem and that is the love of guns is institutionalized in every aspect of our life; media, movies, culture and economy. Our politicians are nothing more than corporate lackeys for weapons industry and the NRA. The term ‘gun fetish’ is very appropriate. We’ve got people in this country who love guns more than life itself. And many of these people are the same ones who state that they are pro-life. The truth is that there are many people in this country who’ve never owned or shot a firearm and are living very happy, healthy, productive lives.

We’re repeating our photo-toon from our February 14, 2020 post. Once more, we say that if you love your guns more than life itself than do not call yourself pro-life. Guns exist to kill, not give life. So, go home and f*ck your guns, you hypocritic assholes.

Here's a handy dandy gun control solution for all those gun enthusiasts out there who love their guns more than life itself. Guaranteed to be a mind-blowing experience!
Here’s a handy dandy gun control solution for all those gun enthusiasts out there who love their guns more than life itself. Guaranteed to be a mind-blowing experience!

A Hair Raising Predicament

Things haven’t been going well for America’s CEO/Dictator Donald Trump lately. Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has been pushing forth on the Russia investigation and has impaneled a grand jury, which may or may not indicate an indictment is near. Not only that, Trump’s approval ratings continue to drop. So, as it so often goes when things go south for world leaders and they need a distraction, the one thing that can change everything around in a hurry is a war. And Trump has a very convenient obnoxious opponent waiting in the wings to give Trump a boost.

Kim Jong Un has been saber rattling…or shall we say…missile rattling ever since he came to power in 2011. He tried to rattle Obama, but failed. But Trump has a man-child mentality exactly like Kim Jong Un does (which is why Jong-Un supported Trump for President). When the North Korean leader started boasting that he was going to hit the United States, instead of a calm, even, adult response, Trump acted like any eighth grader would and stoked the nuclear fires with promises of ‘fire and fury’. Then Kim Jong Un responded by threatening to hit Guam, which is a U.S. territory in the Pacific Ocean.

So now it’s game on, much to the horror of every living thing on this planet. The two most infantile leaders on Earth have exchanged barbs over who has the biggest missiles. Now every nation on edge thanks to the little boy in North Korea with a bad hair cut, who wants to prove what a manly man he is by picking a fight with the most powerful country in the world, whose leader is an unstable megalomaniac, who openly wondered why we didn’t use nuclear weapons. We just hope the subject doesn’t change to who has the wackiest hair; then it’s game over.

The two most infantile leaders in the world, North Korea's Kim Jong Un and America's CEO/Dictator Donald Trump, have decided to start a nuclear war over who has the wackiest hair know...they're insane.
The two most infantile leaders in the world, North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and America’s CEO/Dictator Donald Trump, have decided to start a nuclear war over who has the wackiest hair because…you know…they’re insane.

Bibi’s Boner …Or Boner’s Bibi

The big news of the last week is that Israel Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu gave a speech to Congress. It’s not rare that foreign dignitaries address Congress. But what is rare is when leaders of the opposition party, in this case the Republicans, arrange for it without the President’s knowledge. Yes, Speaker of the House and Chief Oompa Loompa, John Boehner (pronounced bo-ner), secretly arranged for Netanyahu to come speak to Congress to push for opposition of President Obama’s upcoming nuclear agreement with Iran. In some circles, the covert negotiation of a foreign leader or government by an unauthorized citizen is known as treason. As Jon Stewart pointed out in his always hilarious analysis, if the Democrats had invited the President of France behind George W. Bush’s back in the lead up to the Iraq War, the Republicans would have been screaming bloody murder. Despite this treasonous act by Boehner and the other Republicans in Congress, President Obama calmly and effectively explained afterward why he thinks Netanyahu, who, like Republicans, has been beating the war drum consistently for a quarter of a century, is wrong. One can only describe this move by the Republicans as colossally dickish, but what else is new.

New United States President, Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu suggests a war with Iran as successful as the Iraq War as treasonist John Boehner approves.
The Republican’s newly anointed President, Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, proclaims his intentions for war with Iran with giddy approval from Treasonist of the House and Chief Oompa Loompa, John Boehner.

Bush Is Still SOOOOO Wrong on Iraq!

It’s amazing to us (but not surprising) that Republicans have now resurrected the old story of how WMDs were actually found in Iraq, even though those supposed WMDs were actually ‘old, degraded chemical munitions’. Let’s restate this so it’s clear: the WMDs that were found in Iraq, according to confirmation by intelligence officials, military officials and even the Bush administration were pre-1991 chemicals and were NOT the WMDs the administration cited in its argument for war and, as former weapons inspector David Kay stated, were about as harmful as household pesticides.   If there is one thing the Republicans do well it’s fearmongering. It’s election time in America so Republicans are bringing out their fear machine to scare the sheeple into voting Republican. Look at the crises that Republicans are blaming on Obama right now: ISIS/ISIL, Ukraine, Illegal Immigration and the Border, Ebola, cloudy days, that hangnail we got yesterday. This is classic Republican politics. This WMD story is a repeat from 2006. FROM 2006!!! Hopefully Americans will be intelligent enough to see through these scare tactics and not give the Republicans any more power than they already have.

We’re repeating a photo-toon we posted of Rick Santorum during the 2012 election finding the WMD’s. The photo-toon is originally from our July 7, 2006 issue when Rick ‘the Dick’, enabler extraordinaire of the Bush Administration’s military adventurism in the Middle East and ace sleuth, came forward and said that the WMD’s were found in Iraq. Rick was voted out of office the following November.

Rick the Dick Santorum has found the WMDs in Iraq
Pennsylvania Senator and super sleuth Rick Santorum recently claimed that the WMDs in Iraq were found, despite intelligence officials, military officials and even the Bush administration confirming that the pre-1991 chemicals weren't the WMDs the administration cited in its argument for war and, as former weapons inspector David Kay stated, were about as harmful as household pesticides.


Daffy and Dethpicable

Kim Jong Il reportedly was a huge Daffy Duck fan. He owned the complete collection of episodes and also had a humongous collection of memorabilia. Who knows? Maybe he wanted to be Daffy Duck? Here’s a photo-toon of the dethpicable dictator from our October 28, 2006 issue.

North Korean dictator and Daffy Duck afficionado, Kim Jong Il, reflects on detonating a nuclear device last week, thus possibly jeopardizing regional and world peace.