America’s CEO/Dictator and petulant man child Donald Trump blew a gasket this past week and it wasn’t about impeachment. Time magazine awarded its Person of the Year award to teenage environmental activist Greta Thunberg, who boldly pleaded with and shamed world leaders this past year for not doing more about climate change or basically screwing up the place for future generations. This did not sit well with Trump who tweeted that Thunberg needed to go to anger management classes(pot calling the kettle black) and chill out at a movie with a friend.
Miss Thunberg handled the controversy like the champ she is. She changed her twitter bio to read, “A teenager working on her anger management problem. Currently chilling and watching a good old fashioned movie with a friend.” So let’s recap: The President of the United States bullies a teenager and then gets completely outclassed in every way possible by the teenager. Yes, Greta Thunberg is living rent free, 24/7 inside Trump’s ‘very, very large brain’.
Adding to the hypocrisy, First Lady Melania Trump, who threw a hissy fit last week during the impeachment hearing when Barron Trump’s first name was briefly mentioned, has no problem with her husband mocking a teenager stating that Thunberg is a public persona who gives speeches. So much for that ‘anti-bullying crusader’ bullshit! Still proud of the completely moral and christ-like Trumps, you hypocrital, conservative christian Republicans?