Archive for Dubya’s Madcap Misadventures

Rewind: Bullshit Accomplished

From the “you’ve got to be fucking kidding me” file, a recent poll indicated that George W. Bush now polls more favorably than Hillary Clinton and President Obama. Really??!!! Are Americans’ memories that bad? Apparently so. We’ve posted before about Louisiana Republicans blaming the Hurricane Katrina response on Obama. It’s a pretty common phenomenon that people become more popular once they’re out of office (the phrase absence makes the heart grow fonder comes to mind). But have Americans really forgotten the crap that ol’ Dubya got us into like the financial crisis, the Hurricane Katrina response, the monstrous deficit, infrastructure collapse, environmental destruction, the failed pursuit of Osama Bin Laden and of course the clusterf*ck otherwise known as the Iraq War. We think it’s time for a little rewind to our September 25, 2003 edition when America was still basking in the glow of Dubya prancing around in a flight suit on the deck of an aircraft carrier proclaiming to the world ‘Mission Accomplished’. More like ‘Bullshit Accomplished’.

President Bush, prancing around in a flight suit, thanks gullible Americans for believing his crap as he wins the Emmy for the Best Politically Motivated Photo Op of the Year.

President Bush wins the Emmy for the Best Politically Motivated Photo Op of the Year.

Rewind: Dubya’s Dubious Legacy

Guess who’s reared his ugly head recently. That’s right: good ol’ Dubya. Since brother Jeb has started to rev up his campaign for Con-a-thon 2016, George W. Bush has stopped painting himself in the bath tub and emerged to help his brother gain the presidency in 2016. Of course, that means spinning the bejeezus out of his disastrous legacy as president. Dubya actually had the nerve to criticize President Obama on his handling of the situation in Iraq. And of course, Dubya has deluded himself into thinking that increasing the numbers of troops in Iraq (the Surge) helped stabilize the region when in fact the surge failed. It’s a sign of things to come in the next year and a half. The Republicans are going to being lying their asses off to try and make the Iraq War, Obama’s war. Make no mistake: the Iraq War was and will always be George W. Bush’s war.

Here’s a photo-toon from our November 29, 2007 issue, when Dubya was already trying to bullshit people on the debacle that was his presidency.

George W. Bush, flanked by his old friends the Deficit and the Iraq Occupation, has recently been trying to spin or bs a positive legacy out of his disastrous tenure as President.

George W. Bush, flanked by his old friends the Deficit and the Iraq Occupation, has recently been trying to spin a positive legacy out of his disastrous tenure as President.


GOP Sez ‘Science Evil’

The Senate just voted 98-1 that global warming is happening, as if nature needed human consensus that it was real. Of course, the anti-science Republicans aren’t admitting that humans are causing it. Here’s an article from our August 29, 2004 issue, where good ol’ Dubya explains why scientists are ‘evil’ and shouldn’t be trusted, but the saintly oil, mining, timber and energy companies deserve our complete trust.

Bush Dismisses ‘Evil’ Scientists

The Bush Administration deflected recent criticism from numerous preeminent scientists that the White House is distorting and manipulating scientific findings and giving handouts to industries, which have given massive monetary support to the President, like oil, mining, timber and energy companies.

Dr. Jared Reed, environmental biologist and member of the non-profit group, Union Of Concerned Scientists, said, “This administration is far worse than even the Reagan administration. They have rolled back over 300 regulations since Bush has taken over the Presidency. He has loaded the EPA with lobbyists from the mining, logging, and energy industries as payback for their support during the election. He is systematically blacklisting legitimate scientists in favor of consultants who manipulate and massage data to fit his radical ideological agenda. This blatant disregard for the environment and for the health of the general public needs to be stopped before it is too late.”

Bush defended his environmental policies. “People, I mean we all know that this so called ‘global warming’ is caused by cows farting and volcanoes. And this mumbo jumbo that our rivers and streams are polluted; didn’t you see John Stossel jump in the Hudson River. If it’s so polluted, how come he’s still alive? Stem cell research is evil, too. Scientists want to grow babies and then kill ’em folks. That’s just plain evil. Besides, I think I know a little bit more about the world than these smartsy fartsy liberal ‘scientists’. I mean I am the president and I talk to God on a daily basis. We don’t need any more ‘scientific’ studies. If I were doing something wrong here, don’t you think God would say something.”

Vice President Dick Cheney backed Bush’s views. “Our public land is vast and it’s there for Americans to use and exploit. Those damn animals aren’t using it. Why should they have it? Like the great James Watt said, God wants us to subdue nature. I’ll be damned if some fish or butterfly is going to prevent me from making my millions.”

Many citizens have expressed support for Bush’s environmental policies. Lionel Starker of Pusbucket, Arkansas, said, “Me more smart than animal. Me more smart than plant. Me think Bush smart. Me vote Bush.”

Reverend Delbert Dillman of the Third Evangelical Church of The Apocalypse said, “Thanks to President Bush, the Apocalypse is now closer then ever. We need to hurry up and use all of God’s resources before the end of the world. Can I get an amen?”

Cheney’s No Brainer

Just in time for the holidays…Torture!  Yes nothing exemplifies holiday spirit like torture(you have to admit, forced family fun is a kind of torture.) The Senate Intelligence Committee(what an oxymoron!) recently released a 528 page summary(the original is 6000 pages) that explains in detail that the CIA used various forms on detainees from 2001 to 2006 and kept it hidden from government officials and the American people. Dick Cheney, who in 2006 called torture a no brainer,  has even been making the rounds again claiming he’d do it all over again. Yes, America has proudly placed itself in the pantheon of torturing nations like Russia, North Korea, Iran and Syria. What great company we’re keeping, eh? We dug up a photo-toon from our November 13, 2006 issue where America’s most notorious war criminal defended waterboarding to a pliant, sycophantic media. All we have to say about Mr. Cheney and his asinine commentary is  “WHAT A DICK!

Dick Cheney says waterboarding is a 'no brainer'.

Vice President Dick Cheney recently commented that using waterboarding techniques on detainees is a 'no-brainer'.


Bush’s Greatest Masterpiece: The Iraq Quagmire

Former Republican President and the Picasso of the conservative GOP world, George W. Bush, recently popped his head up to provide his great wisdom on the subject of the ISIS/ISIL terrorists fighting in Iraq and Syria. Yes, in an interview with Fox News, a.k.a. the Republican Propaganda Network, it seems that Bush thinks that we never should have left Iraq in 2011 even though he agreed before he left office that troops should leave at that time. Remember folks, this from the man who dressed up in May 2003 in a flight suit and announced ‘Mission Accomplished’ in Iraq. This man boldly proclaimed that Iraq was a slam dunk and we’d be in and out in no time. Does he really think he holds any kind of credibility at all anymore? No wonder Obama doesn’t call him for advice. We think that good ol’ Dubya should just keep to painting pictures of himself in the tub.

George W. Bush proclaims people should be self sufficient except when it comes to Iraq, who should get our military and tax dollars for years to come.

Good ol' Dubya demonstrates why he should forget 'presidentin' and stick to painting pictures of himself in the bathtub.

Rewind: 3:16 To Tehran

This is our final post in our brief Coming Soon To A Theater Near You retrospective…

Here’s a theater poster from our October 28, 2007 edition highlighting the Neocon Production 3:16 to Tehran starring George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as Mo. Yep, the conservative christian Republicans, led by John McCain are still banging the drums for war against Iran and the rest of the Islamic world. If only those Muslims would convert to christianity…

George W. Bush is on a mission from God to spread christian love to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Iran in missile form.

3:16 to Tehran: Super christian George W. Bush is on a mission from God as he and fellow neocon Dick Cheney try to convert Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Iran to christianity. Will his message of love from the book of John work in missile form? All aboard for the 3:16 to Tehran! Rated R for Rapturous.

Rewind: Transformers Of The Middle East

Continuing with our brief Coming Soon To A Theater Near You retrospective…

Here’s a theater poster from our July19, 2007 edition highlighting the Neocon Production Transformers of the Middle East starring Dick ‘Rustbucket’ Cheney, Condoleezza ‘Chevtron ‘ Rice and George W. Bush as Lil’ DubDub, the chief Neocon transformer of that clusterf*ck called the Iraq War.

George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice invade Iraq with one mission: to transform the Middle East come Hell or the Apocalypse. Let the Quagmire Commence!

Transformers of the Middle East: Neocon transformers George W. Bush (Lil' DubDub), Dick Cheney(Rustbucket) and Condoleeza Rice(Chevtron) invade Iraq to transform it and the rest of the Middle East into an oil producing heaven for the west. Will they succeed or will they fan the flames of hatred and start an apocalyptic quagmire from which America will never recover. Rated R for Reprehensible.

Rewind: Republican Without A Clue

Back in the day, we had a feature here at the Bucket called Coming Soon To A Theater Near You, where we’d showcase upcoming movies you may not have heard about from that nasty, liberal media. We’ve decided to showcase these gems again, mostly our own entertainment…but hopefully you readers will enjoy them as well.

Here’s a theater poster from our April 21, 2007 edition highlighting the Neocon Production Republican Without A Clue starring good ol’ Dubya, the chief decider of that clusterf*ck called the Iraq War.

Republican Without A Clue: Blue blooded frat boy, George W. Bush, becomes President thanks to some shenanigans by his governor brother Jeb. Now, Dubya's the decider and hilarity ensues when he decides to invade Iraq against the advice of everyone with half a brain.

Republican Without A Clue: Blue blooded frat boy, George W. Bush, becomes President thanks to some shenanigans by his governor brother Jeb. Now, Dubya's the decider and hilarity ensues when he decides to invade Iraq against the advice of everyone with half a brain. Starring George W. Bush. Filmed in Neoconvision. Rated PG for Pretty Gawdawful.

Rewind: Bush Administration Logo

It’s shocking to us here at the Bucket how horrible people’s memories are. A recent poll of 1400 people revealed that more people think President Obama is a worse President than George W. Bush. Were these people unconscious during Bush’s eight years in office? The Bush administration routinely practiced crony capitalism with favored corporations and the Bush tax cuts to the 1% made most Americans poorer and brought America to the brink of disaster. Not to mention the trillions of dollars spent on clusterf*ck quagmire wars of Afghanistan and Iraq. There were also 13 attacks on U.S. embassies causing 98 deaths during the Bush years in addition to the 9/11 attacks which caused 3,000 deaths. Then he used the 9/11 attacks for political purposes over the next three years to keep the sheeple scared.  Oh and then there was the stacking of the Supreme Court with conservative ideologists and activists who have not only opened the door wide for unrestrained corporatism but have given corporations control over females reproductive rights and apparently freedom to push their religion down employees throat. And of course the Bushies denied any wrongdoing while only giving access to Fox News, a.k.a the Republican Propaganda Network. Alternet has a list of some of Bush’s more spectacular failuresFortunately, most historians’ memories haven’t faded and they continue to rank Bush as one of the worst presidents. Here’s a photo-toon from our February 18, 2007 issue which shows the Bush Administration replacing the presidential seal with a more appropriate logo reflective of their ‘moral’ values.

The Bush Administration has commissioned a new logo to more properly reflect the current administration's 'moral' values of Deceit, Denial and Dough.

President George W. Bush has commissioned a new logo to more properly reflect the Bush Administration's 'moral' values.


A Dick Says What?

Guess who’s reared his ugly head again. That’s right, everyone’s favorite Dick, Uncle Dick Cheney, has come out of hiding to share his wisdom with the rest of the world. This so-called foreign policy expert, five years removed from his failure in Iraq, popped up on media shows along with other chicken hawk neocons like Paul Wolfowitz, Bill Kristol and everyone’s favorite crusty old curmudgeon John McCain. Yes these same people who failed so miserably with that clusterf**k called the Iraq War had the audacity to criticize Obama on getting us out of the Iraq Quagmire and then pinning the recent insurgency in Iraq on him. The architect of that failure, Uncle Dick even said “Rarely has a US president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many.” And no he wasn’t talking about George W. Bush. Of course, this was met with a huge WTF by most competent, clear thinking individuals. Even Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, in a rare fit of journalism, called Uncle Dick on his BS. We like Secretary of State John Kerry’s response to Uncle Dick’s buffoonery. All we have to say about Mr. Cheney is  “WHAT A DICK!”  And as for all the other neocon chickenhawks; we think they should move to Iraq, don some armor, go to the front lines and show us all how to win the war.

Dick Cheney talks about the worst President ever and George W. Bush shows up.

Dick Cheney has resurfaced to show his displeasure for a man who was a complete failure as a President.