Tag Archive for 2012

RNC 2004: Like Father, Like Daughters

Continuing with our RNC 2004 retrospective…

We can honestly say the Bush twins were the highlight of the convention. That speaks volumes.

The Bush twins, Barbara and Jenna, demonstrate that they are truly their father's daughters.


RNC 2004: Uncle Dick’s Message

Continuing with our RNC 2004 retrospective…

Only one thing to say here…What a Dick!

Vice President Dick Cheney emerged from his underground lair with a special message for John Kerry.

RNC 2004: Zellzapoppin

Continuing with our RNC 2004 retrospective…

Remember when then Democrat, Zell Miller, made headlines by attending the Republican Convention and then exciting the crowd by saying if John Kerry had his way, he’d outfit the army with spitwads.  Fun times!  And then remember his meltdown when Chris Matthews called him on it. Hilarious! What’s even funnier is that the Republican sheeple actually believed Miller and voted to put Dubya back into office for four more  years of mind-numbing incompetence. And what has Zell Miller been doing since he’s left office. Well, he supported Newt Gingrich’s candidacy in Con-a-thon 2012 and is a contributor on the Republican Propaganda Network a.k.a Fox News. Nuff’ said.

Senator Zell Miller enthralls the crowd with his impersonation of a raving lunatic.

RNC 2004: The Governator

Continuing with our RNC 2004 retrospective…

In 2004, the Governator, Arnold Schwarzenegger, was the darling of the Republican party. He had just become the Republican governor of the very blue state of California. There were even some GOP henchmen, who were working to change the Constitution so that foreign born people like Arnold could become President. But alas, the Governator veered to the left during his terms in office, actually working with Democrats and supporting environmental legislation. This, of course, meant he fell out of favor with the corporate loving, environmental hating right wing. Now he’s out of office, divorced from Maria Shriver, and back to performing in bad action movie revivals (The Expendables franchise). But don’t worry folks…wait for it… he’ll be back! (Come on…you didn’t think we could resist putting in a lame catch phrase reference, do you?)

Always the pitchman, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger hawks some of his lamer movies to the pliant crowd.


RNC 2004: The Flock Follows Their Shepherds

Continuing with our RNC 2004 retrospective…

Here are some Texas Republican sheeple hanging out at the 2004 convention exchanging ideas on how they can be more obedient to Dubya, their christian shepherds and the corporate establishment.

Bush supporters from Texas mull around waiting for orders on what to think and do.

RNC 2004: Remembering The Fun

We’ve just had two weeks of the Olympics. Can we stand anymore excitement? In less than two weeks time, we’ll all be blessed with the thrill of the 2012 edition of the Republican National Convention starring Spiff Romney and that Ayn Rand lovin’ fool, Paul Ryan. To prepare for this earth shattering event, we plan to do a little retrospective. We will present some unforgettable photo-toon highlights from the 2004 Republican National Convention. Who could forget when Arnold Schwarzenegger, Zell Miller and even Jesus showed up to cheer for the GOP.

Let’s start out with that ol’ maverick, Senator John McCain. At least he used to be a ‘maverick’ back in the ’80s. Actually, he was ‘maverick’ only to other Republicans, because he actually would…you probably won’t believe this… compromise  and converse with Democrats. It’s astonishing to believe but back before the 90’s, Republicans were somewhat civilized.

And of course, the ‘maverick’ is responsible for giving the world Sarah Palin. That should have been a clue that maybe he was losing it. Seriously, does anybody listen to what Senator McCain has to say anymore?  He said a few days ago, that Obama should replace Biden with Hillary Clinton. Really? That’s the best barb McCain can come up with to get under the Democrat’s skin? He should just retire to one of his eight houses and count all his money.  Here’s his big moment during the 2004 RNC when he cemented his 2008 presidential candidacy.

Senator John McCain sheds his 'maverick' label and tags himself with the new moniker of 'partisan tool'.

The Ryan Hypocrisy

In the words of Ricky Ricardo, Paul Ryan has some “‘splaining to do”. It seems that Spiff Romney’s new GOP Vice Presidential candidate has some conflicting beliefs that need some clarification. On the one hand, he’s supposedly a staunch Catholic, which means he’s a follower of Jesus, who preached to share and care for your fellow human beings. On the other hand, he’s a staunch fan of Ayn Rand (an avowed atheist), who preached that one should be selfish and be concerned only for yourself and that caring for others is weak and undesirable. These two philosophies seem to be contradictory.  It seems to us that Mr. Ryan and those other conservative christian Republicans, who tout the prosperity gospel while at the same time want to deny basic healthcare to some people in our country, may be hypocrites. Make no mistake: if Romney and Ryan get in, senior entitlements like Medicare and Social Security are gone, while corporate entitlements will be handed out like candy at Halloween. I wonder what Jesus would say, because we all know how much of a capitalist he was.

Capitalist Jesus, who is also very Republican, has nothing but praise for GOP Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan and his Randian philosophy.

The New Faces of Crazy

The United States Mint has decided to re-issue the Arizona state quarter in honor of the state’s centennial. Instead of depicting the natural beauty of the state like they did the first time with the Grand Canyon, they’ve decided to represent the wacky right wing politicians who have commandeered this state and are now ramming their conservative agenda down our throats. Yes, nothing represents the new faces of crazy like Governor Jan “Skeletor” Brewer, Sheriff Joe “Just call me God” Arpaio and former state senator Russell “I’m not a Nazi” Pearce.

The United States Mint has issued a new state quarter for Arizona in honor of it's centennial featuring Governor Jan "Skeletor" Brewer, Sheriff Joe "Just call me God" Arpaio and former state senator Russell "I'm not a Nazi" Pearce.

Top Alternative Summer Vacation Destinations For 2012

It’s summertime again in America. Its time for kids to take a break from school and adults to take a break from work to head out of town for a week or two and visit top tourist destinations such as Disneyland, Six Flags Amusement Parks and the dozens of beautiful National Parks which dot our great land. But there are many alternative destinations that are off the beaten path which deserve mention and visitation. The BilgeBucket staff has compiled a list of some of these unconventional locales for 2012. So pack up your things…it’s time to go road tripping! And no complaining or we’ll turn this article around and go back. For more strange attractions, go to Roadside America.

  • The Wisconsin Cheese Repository in Gouda Vista, Wisconsin
  • Dow Chemical’s Pond of Mystery, Piscataway, New Jersey
  • Three Story Outhouse, Sticksville, North Dakota
  • World’s Largest Zit on Megan Roberts’ forehead, Irvine, California (Oh my God! It’s like so huge!)
  • Prostitution Monument, Morningwood, Nevada
  • America’s Smelliest Jail, Swelterburg, Mississippi
  • Fetid Gulch, Texas: Roach Capital of the World
  • Grosse Margine, Michigan: Birthplace of Accounting
  • Laxative Museum at Del Weaver’s Twilight City Retirement Community, La Popa, Florida
  • Little Kenny Dawson’s Dead Sparrow in a Shoe Box, 723 Adams St, Butler, Illinois
  • The Palace of Debilitating Despair, Toledo, Ohio
  • Grandpa Wally’s Liquor Bottle Village, Big Little Horn, Montana
  • Atom and Eve’s Nuclear Waste Dump and Health Spa, Glowing Sage, Nevada
  • House Made of Tampons, Kotex, Florida
  • Hall of Idiots, Morons and Felons, Capitol Building, Washington D.C.


Speako Englisho

GOP presidential candidate and neo-Neanderthal , Rick “Google Me” Santorum, showed off his diplomatic skills Wednesday while campaigning in Puerto Rico, when he said that for Puerto Rico to become a state, they would have to embrace English as the primary language. Puerto Rico currently is a bilingual U.S. commonwealth and is voting in November on whether or not to pursue statehood. Spanish is also the primary language in the country because of it’s strong Spanish heritage and history. Of course, Santorum’s view is consistent with conservative Republican’s world view that everyone should speak English and Americans should only have to speak English everywhere they go, despite the fact that the majority of people in the Western Hemisphere speak Spanish.  His viewpoint reminds us of when Archie Bunker tried to speak Spanish on an episode of that classic 70’s sitcom, All in the Family. Pues, creemos que Santorum es un pendejo grande!

GOP candidate Rick 'Google Me' Santorum impresses the bilingual crowds in Puerto Rico with his command of the Spanish language.