Trump’s New Babysitter

Chief of Staff John Kelly has announced that he is leaving the clusterf*ck that is the Trump administration by January 2nd, 2019. This has brought about another crisis for America’s CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, who hasn’t been able to find anyone who wants the job. Nick Ayers, Mike Pence’s chief of staff, was considered first but he declined. Other names floated around were Trump’s Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and his own daughter Ivanka. Not even colossal sycophant Chris ‘Suckinupagus’ Christie wants this lousy job.

Enter OMB director, carnival barker and corporate lackey, Mick Mulvaney, who has been named interim chief by Trump. The Mickster has shown shameless shilling skills for the moneyed elite in the past, so he’s comfortable dealing with spoiled rich plutocrats who want to have their way at any and all costs. Mulvaney is such a hypocrite he called Trump a ‘terrible human being’ just days before the 2016 election, but yet he’s decided now to take the position. But the honeymoon is over before it started for Mulvaney as Trump has already voiced complaints about him because of the video. Yes, we’re thinking that Mulvaney could be gone before 2019 even gets started.

OMB director, carnival barker and corporate lackey, Mick Mulvaney, shows what a hypocritical twit he is by becoming America's CEO/Dicator Donald Trump's new Chief of Staff/babysitter.
OMB director, carnival barker and corporate lackey, Mick Mulvaney, has been named the new Chief of Staff/babysitter for America’s CEO/Dictator and petulant child, Donald Trump.

General Disappointment

When American CEO/Dictator Donald Trump appointed former general John Kelly as Chief of Staff, many breathed a sigh of relief in hoping that maybe the stoic ex-Marine could keep Trump in line. Ahhh! What naivete! John Kelly has proven in recent weeks that he’s not really not that different from Trump and that he’s only another enabler to the orange haired man-child who is our current President.

Take Kelly defending Trump’s recent call to a military widow where he told a grieving widow “he knew what he signed up for”. Kelly not only defended Trump but criticized Representative Frederica Wilson’s criticism of Trump’s wording. Trump’s press secretary,a.k.a. secretary of deception, Sarah Huckabee Sanders even went as far as to say it was inappropriate of Wilson to question Kelly because he was “a four star general”. Well how authoritarian of you Ms. Huckabee Sanders!  Mr. Kelly isn’t in the military anymore. This is a democracy and there is such a thing as freedom of speech and freedom of the press, which is guaranteed by the U.S. constitution. When John Kelly says and does things which are undemocratic and wrong, it is our right as Americans to question him.

Speaking of which…last week, Kelly showed his ignorance on history when he claimed that the Civil War could have been avoided if only the South and North would have been willing to compromise. Like Professor Stephanie McCurry says, “That statement could have been given by [former Confederate general] Jubal Early in 1880”. Well, the North and South did compromise before in 1820 (Missouri Compromise) and the Compromise of 1850 and those compromises only postponed the inevitable. It took a war to rid this nation of the disgusting institution of slavery. But unfortunately, thanks to the botched Reconstruction and Jim Crow laws, racism persists today. Unbelievably, we have Confederate revisionists in power in this country who want to return to those glory days of white supremacists, KKK marches and frightened minorities. Mr. Kelly: your authoritarianism and racism are showing and it’s pretty ugly.

American CEO/Dictator Donald Trump's authoritarian Chief of Staff, John Kelly, sez if only the slaves would have compromised and agreed to a pay cut, the Civil War could have been avoided, which delights Confederate Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III and an old, hooded, Confederate white knight.
American CEO/Dictator Donald Trump’s authoritarian Chief of Staff, John Kelly, revises history by claiming failure to compromise caused the Civil War which delights Confederate Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III and an old, hooded, Confederate white knight.

Salve, Arrivederci Mooch!

Back in 2006, when the Bush administration took a thumping in the November elections, we were of the opinion that there would never be a White House as screwed up as Bush’s. We were wrong. To say the Trump White House is chaotic is as obvious as saying the sun is hot. Every damn day, something new is being mucked up.

Last week, in an effort to dispose of leaks in the Trump White House, America’s CEO/Dictator hired Antony Scaramucci, an up and coming financier and entrepreneur who promised to rid the White House of spies and leakers.  Scaramucci, or the Mooch as he likes to be called, promptly gave a profanity laden tirade against the leakers saying Reince Priebus was a “f*cking paranoid schizophrenic” and Steve Bannon likes to “suck his own c*ck”. He and Trump then promptly fired everyone’s favorite whipping boy, chief of staff, Reince Priebus.  Then Priebus showed what a sycophantic putz he was by saying “I’m always going to be a Trump fan. I’m on Team Trump, and I look forward to helping him achieve his goals and his agenda for the American people.” Geez! What an idiot!

Well, it turns out that the new chief of staff, John Kelly, doesn’t really like the Mooch, so guess what? Ol’ Moocher is gone. Wow! And we thought Michael Flynn’s tenure was short. Apparently, John Kelly, who is a former Marine general, is a bit of an authoritarian. So he’ll fit in just fine with Trump’s authoritarian regime. Will Kelly be an effective ringleader of this multi-ring clusterf*ck circus that is the Trump administration? Now we think Kelly is by far, a better choice than Priebus, but based on the six months of stunning ineptitude displayed so far, we’re kind of skeptical.

 World class profanity artist, Anthony Scaramucci, a.k.a. the Mooch, lasted just ten days as communications director before America's CEO/Dictator fired him in true Trumpian fashion.
World class profanity artist, Anthony Scaramucci, a.k.a. the Mooch, lasted just ten days as communications director before America’s CEO/Dictator gave him the ol’ heave ho in true Trumpian fashion.