As if on cue, senile evangelical preacher, Pat Robertson, entered the fray and decided to give his befuddled two cents worth. He said that the murder of a journalist just isn’t worth ruining the Saudi ties and all those sweet, sweet arms deals. Yes, Yes! That’s exactly what Jesus preached, isn’t it? Money, guns and oil come before everything else in life. We’re sure that Jesus, in retrospect, would solidly approve of Judas taking 30 pieces of silver for betraying him because… you know… money is more important than morality, justice or life itself. Cha-ching!
American CEO/Dictator Donald Trump is on his first world tour and lo and behold his first stop isn’t traditional allied countries like France, Germany or Great Britain, it’s authoritarian paradise Saudi Arabia. Secretary of Commerce and plutocrat, Wilbur Ross, went with him and when he wasn’t sleeping, he noted that there was not one instance of protest against Trump. Fortunately, the journalist conducting the interview corrected Ross, stating protests aren’t allowed in Saudi Arabia, to which Ross fumbled around like the old, fussbudget billionaire he is, embarrassing himself and his country.
We think that even good ol’ Mr. Ed would probably be able to explain it best to Wilbuuuuurrr about the stupidity of his inane remarks .