The Cuckoo Coup

We’re baaaaacccckkkk . . . well, kinda . . . sorta. It’s been seven months since our last post here at the Bucket and no, we don’t have COVID. We’re fully vaccinated and we still wear masks when we go to stores or enclosed spaces. So, where have we been? Like we mentioned in our last post, we’ve had the blahs – a feeling of languishing that was primarily caused by four years of non-stop chaos courtesy of TFG – (like many, we can’t say #45’s name anymore – we hate the man that much) – and the morally bankrupt fascist Republicans. But mostly we’ve been chillaxing; observing and trying to fathom some of the insanity that is happening, not only in this country, but in the world. For instance, we can’t figure out why people won’t get vaccinated against a deadly disease like COVID-19 which has killed over 5 million people worldwide and over 700,000 in the US. And governments like the US are trying to stop the spread by issuing mask mandates and offering the vaccine free of charge. But people are rioting against the life-saving measure and sometimes killing others in the process – madness; complete madness. Prominent conservative right wing anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers have even died from COVID complications which could have been prevented if they had just gotten the vaccine. And somehow athletes and former reality show hosts know more than doctors do about microbiology. Sheer insanity.

There has been an avalanche of worrisome events that have occurred over the summer and we can’t comment on all that has happened in just one post. Joe Biden and most of the Democrats have delivered on their promises for making the vaccine widely available and trying to control the pandemic. They’re restored ties and relations with our allies and improved our standing on the world stage again. They’ve also delivered on the infrastructure bill despite sabotage from a couple DINOs: West Virginia’s Coal Lovin’ Joe Manchin and Arizona’s own Miss Cutesy-Pie Bait and Switcher Krysten Sinema (we’ll comment more on these specimens later). All in all, the Democrats have accomplished a lot in the last eight months, not that the media has given them much credit. Despite the Democrats performing well, we’ve seen disturbing developments from the corporate main stream media that reminds us of when Obama got elected. The Democrats swept into power but yet the ‘liberal’ media focused on the Republicans, which allowed for the rise of the Teabagger movement, which morphed into the MAGA cult. For instance, Biden correctly withdrew from Afghanistan but the Taliban took back the country. The corporate media portrayed this as Biden’s fault completely forgetting the last twenty years of our disastrous involvement in this country where empires go to die. Well, we don’t have short memories here at the Bucket. The fault lies with George W. Bush for getting tangled up in the quagmire to begin with. We’ve got much more commentary on this subject matter later, too.

But what really has us worried is that few people have been reprimanded for the Jan. 6th capitol riots. Honestly, folks – we’re students of history here and this smells just like other fascist attacks in history like in Italy and Germany in the 1920s and 1930s and Chile in the 1980s. Using terminology from Naomi Klein’s book, The Shock Doctrine, the Republicans are implementing shock and awe on their own country. And to make matters worse, it seems to be working. The top story in the supposedly liberal media every night should be about reprimanding all the assailants of the Capitol and all their enablers in Congress. Why haven’t we seen Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley expelled yet? Why are Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert still serving? They openly aided and abetted the insurrection. The media should be grilling them over this. But instead they just repeat the Republican’s weak, disturbing attempt at gaslighting saying the the riot was nothing more than an friendly tour of the Capitol. We’ve seen the pictures, morons! This was an attempted coup to overthrow a legitimate election with almost zero voter fraud, no matter how much the Republicans claim there was! Fortunately, more evidence that TFG and other congressional Republicans instigated and were behind the coup. Democrats are advising democracy loving Americans to be patient, but time is running out, folks. According to some sources, the Republicans incredulously are primed to take back the House and the Senate in 2022. If that happens, democracy will be dead because the Republican absolutely will resume tearing apart this government and forcing their fascist, corporatist and religious agendas down every American’s throat.

Despite overwhelming evidence that the Jan. 6th riot was an attempted coup, the Republicans continue to gaslight the American people by saying that it was just a nice, friendly tourist visit.
Despite overwhelming evidence that the Jan. 6th riot was an attempted coup, the Republicans continue to gaslight the American people by saying that it was just a nice, friendly tourist visit.

Another Shooting? Ho Hum…

Joe Biden promised during his presidential campaign to return the country to normalcy after the clusterf*ck reign of America’s Twice Impeached CEO/Dictator and petulant man child Donald Trump. And so far, he’s off to a good start. He’s gotten people vaccinated, he’s getting his cabinet approved, and he’s started to restore America’s reputation abroad.

But one thing has reared it’s ugly head that nobody wanted to return; mass shootings. In the past two weeks, we’ve had shootings in Atlanta and Boulder. And as usual, the same, pathetic response by the corporate media and politicians has occurred in the aftermath of the tragedies. One Atlanta police captain quoted another investigator saying that the shooter in the Atlanta case was having a ‘bad day’. Ahhh. That poor widdle killer! But then again that’s par for the course in America. We’ve noted here many times before that the motto for most conservatives in this country is In Guns We Trust. After every mass shooting, these 2nd Amendment gun nuts come out and poo-poo the whole ordeal, the NRA bitches and moans and the corporate lackeys in Congress sit on their hands and do nothing. What’s more is that the corporate media and Hollywood focus on the killers. The madmen who pull the trigger became famous and some even have movies made about them, while the victims melt into the background and are remembered only by friends and family. You’d think after the Sandy Hook massacre way back in 2012, something would have been done. But, nooooooooo! You’d think after the 2012 Aurora movie theater massacres, something would have been done. But, nooooooooo! You’d think after the Orlando nightclub shootings in 2016, something would have been done. But, nooooooooo! Take a look at the mass shootings in America. But Republicans seem to only be concerned about stopping people from voting, not from killing one another.

There’s been talk that President Biden may issue an executive order to ban assault weapons. Since the Republicans seem to not give a damn about saving people’s lives either from mass shootings or the coronavirus, we say go for it, Joe! We’re sick of the mass shootings, but we’re even more sick of the same old excuses by feckless conservative politicians and the goddamn NRA.

A conservative police captain shows sympathy for the poor shooter and reminds citizens who foolishly want sane gun laws that the motto of the United States is In Guns We Trust.
A conservative police captain shows sympathy for the poor shooter and reminds citizens who foolishly want sane gun laws that the motto of the United States is In Guns We Trust.

Trump Sez Don’t Fear The COVID!

Straight from the poetic justice files: recently America’s Impeached CEO/Dictator and petulant man child Donald Trump, fresh from being thumped and humiliated at the first and hopefully last Presidential debate of the 2020 election season, announced that he tested positive for coronavirus, this after months of downplaying the virus despite over 200,000 Americans dying from COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. He was airlifted a day later to Walter Reed Hospital where he received top notch medical care and a ‘cocktail’ of medications including a drug called Regeneron which Trumpty Dumpty touted a miracle drug claiming that he felt like ‘Superman’ after the treatments, despite the CEO of Regeneron claiming more tests are needed.

The Trump manure and virus spreader really tilted into overdrive after that. Much to the dismay of any competent doctor’s recommendations, Trump returned to the White House the following Monday, took off his mask and visibly wheezing and struggling to breathe, declared that people shouldn’t fear COVID-19. Over the course of the following week, Trump has proclaimed that he must be ‘immune’, implying himself to be some kind of superhuman. He gave an interview with his favorite ass-kisser Fox Propaganda Network’s Sean Hannity where he noticeably hacked his way through the interview. Meanwhile, White House doctor Sean Conley trashed any trace of respectability he had left by stating that Trump was symptom free, despite not having tested negative for the virus, and could resume regularly scheduled campaigning events, while most medical experts are crying bullshit.

There’s no way Trump is not contagious, that is if he even had coronavirus in the first place. The whole scenario just doesn’t pass the sniff test. But yet Trump is out again doing his rallies, completely maskless. His message of not fearing COVID falls woefully flat because 99.9% of people in the United States can’t be airlifted to Walter Reed and given the same treatment the President gets. If people do end up contracting the disease, most would end up with debilitating hospital bills and possibly permanent health damage. But then again, Trump’s only concern is about getting elected again, not if Jane and Joe Smith end up getting the virus and paying for it with their life.

Do the Republicans really think they can get away with this tomfoolery? Of course they do! They’ve gotten away with it for four years, why wouldn’t they. Hell, that’s been the modus operandi for the GOP the past fifty years: bully their way into doing anything they want and if things go wrong, blame it on the Democrats, who inevitably end up fixing things only for the Republican sheeple to buy the next con the Republicans dish out to them. Rinse and repeat.

America's Impeached CEO/Dictator, petulant man child and coronavirus superspreader, Donald Trump, declares that Americans shouldn't fear COVID-19 despite most not having access to the same medical care that the President does, while 'Doctor' and Republican lackey Sean Conley proclaims the orange skinned megalomaniac to be the perfect human specimen.
America’s Impeached CEO/Dictator, petulant man child and coronavirus superspreader, Donald Trump, declares that Americans shouldn’t fear COVID-19 despite most not having access to the same medical care that the President does, while ‘Doctor’ and Republican lackey Sean Conley proclaims the orange skinned megalomaniac to be the perfect human specimen.

Trump 2020: Four More Years Of Hell!

We’re still bummed from Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing, but there’s one thing she would have wanted: for all of us to keep fighting against the Republican fascists in the Trump administration and Congress trying to destroy democracy in this country.

One thing that was disturbing and a sign that the Republican party has ceased to be a political party and is now a personality cult was that the official platform at the RNC was whatever Donald Trump deemed appropriate. The RNC was so strange, it was utterly surreal. Probably the weirdest for us here at the Bucket was the kickoff speech, or should we say bellicose incantation, by Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend and hell spawned demoness Kimberly Guilfoyle. She pretty much just screamed for a while and then ended with a loud obnoxious cheer, raising both arms and saying ‘the best is yet to come‘. This wouldn’t be appropriate even at a high school pep rally let alone for a major political party. With the coronavirus pandemic still running rampant and the Trump administration pretty much giving up on the effort, we think Guilfoyle’s message probably should have been ‘more deaths are yet to come’.

At this year's RNC, Donald Trump Jr.'s girlfriend and hell spawned demoness Kimberly Guilfoyle, declares more deaths are yet to come if Donald Trump is re-elected for four more years.
At this year’s RNC, Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend and hell spawned demoness Kimberly Guilfoyle, declares more deaths are yet to come if Donald Trump is re-elected for four more years.

The Grim Reaper Of ‘Success’

The Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic has received universal criticism from just everybody on planet Earth with the exception of Trump supporters and the GOP. In an odd and disturbing recent poll, a majority of Republicans are fine with the 180,000+ deaths from COVID-19. Just to recap for sane Americans: these people are the same Republicans who thought the 4 deaths from Benghazi in 2012 and the 2 deaths from the Ebola breakout in 2014 were cause for Obama to resign from office for gross negligence, but the 180,000+ deaths from COVID-19 under Trump are peachy keen and thus the Impeached CEO/Dictator and petulant man child is deserving of four more years in the White House.

As to further illuminate the insanity of this line of reasoning, Presidential adviser and modern day grim reaper Jared Kushner gave an absolutely chilling and aggravating interview where he crowed that the 180,000 deaths are an absolute success and that President Trump should be lauded for all he’s done. Folks, this is fascism and gaslighting that Joseph Goebbels would be proud of. We’re all hoping to wipe that perpetual, arrogant, smug smirk off of Kushner’s face on election day. He’s not only repulsive to look at, he’s repulsive to listen to. And if you’ve been brave enough to watch any clips of the insane RNC this past week, Kushner is as repulsive as everyone else in the Trump family circus. November 3rd can’t come quickly enough for us to vote these assholes out of office and hopefully into jail for their many ethical, criminal and moral violations.

Presidential adviser and grim reaper Jared Kushner proclaims that the 180,000+ deaths in America from COVID-19 are a resounding success story of the Trump administration.
Presidential adviser and grim reaper Jared Kushner proclaims that the 180,000+ deaths in America from COVID-19 are a resounding success story of the Trump administration.