Paul Ryan: Compassionless Conservative

Republican Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, is quite proud of himself these days. Not only did he help push through a heartless, cruel health care bill, which will cut access to affordable care for tens of millions, he giddily celebrated it afterward like a child would going to Disneyland.

But we shouldn’t be surprised by the actions of this sociopath. He’s been wanting to cut Medicare since he was in college. Like this article says, who in their right mind dreams of denying healthcare to people who need it. But Ryan isn’t in his right mind. He’s psychotic. He’d rather have death panels telling people that they won’t be covered for their illness and it’s time to die.

What’s also ludicrous is that it’s been reported that the Congressmen wanted to keep their benefits under Obamacare, while the rest of America suffers under Trumpcare. So Paul Ryan hates Obamacare so much, that he’s going to keep it for himself. Can you say hypocrite?

Ryan also claims to have integrity, too. We’ve noted how he didn’t like Trump but then gave support for him any way in the build up to the 2016 election. He’s shown nothing but a lack of integrity in his years as a Representative. And now he’s shown he’s a compassionless, heartless bastard who delights in the knowledge that people will suffer because they lack healthcare. Christian? We don’t think so.

A feisty senior citizen offers to give Speaker of the House Paul Ryan a proper reward for the Republican's new healthcare plan, which could take away health insurance for 24 million Americans.
A feisty senior citizen offers to give Speaker of the House Paul Ryan a proper reward for the Republican’s new healthcare plan, which could take away health insurance for 24 million Americans.

GOP: Screw Unto Others

Well, the Republicans finally got a ‘victory’, if any sane person can call it that. Of course, it’s at the expense of 24 million Americans and possibly more, especially seniors and people with pre-existing conditions. American CEO/Dictator Donald Trump, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and all the other GOP ghouls in the House were absolutely giddy about their ‘victory’ Thursday as they barely passed their vicious new healthcare through the house 217-213.

By most accounts, this bill is just awful. Millions could lose coverage because of deep cuts in Medicaid and because the bill unfairly penalizes people over 50 by charging them almost 5 times more for coverage than regular people. States could seek waivers to deny certain benefits to people including people with pre-existing conditions. It also gives massive tax cuts to the wealthy to the tune of billions of dollars. The AARP trashed it as well as a coalition of hospitals, nurses and health care providers. So in summary: the poor and the old get screwed, while the rich get richer. And if you have a pre-existing condition, then die already.

If this doesn’t prove that Republicans are sadistic sociopaths who put party over the good of the country and put profits of their wealthy corporate benefactors like big pharma and the insurance industry (these industries have given over $204 million to Republicans since 2010), over people, then nothing else will. Jesus said “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me.” Well then, Republicans just took Jesus’ healthcare away. According to the GOP the golden rule now reads: SCREW UNTO OTHERS! Can you live with that christians? If so, then maybe you’re a GOD DAMN HYPOCRITE!

Jesus said 'Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me. Well Republicans just screwed Jesus out of healthcare.
Republicans, like American CEO/Dictator Donald Trump and jug eared corporate lackey Paul Ryan, giddily celebrate screwing 24 million people out of healthcare like the good christians they are, thus rewriting the golden rule to read: screw unto others.

GOP’s Compassionate Christian Healthcare Plan

The Republicans have released their healthcare plan that will replace the Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare) and surprise, surprise, it sucks. There’s plenty to hate about this plan called the American Health Care Act(AHCA or Trumpcare); so much so that the American Medical Association, American Hospital Association, American Nurses Association and AARP (among numerous others) have all come out against it. John Oliver did a brilliant and humorous analysis on the plan Sunday night.

So where millions obtained affordable healthcare under Obamacare, it is estimated by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) that 24 million will lose access under Trumpcare and would have devastating consequences for the old and poor. Not only that, the wealthiest Americans would get enormous tax benefits from the plan. We’re wondering what Jesus would say about the Republican’s compassionate christian effort to deny basic healthcare services to the poor, sick and elderly.

Capitalist Jesus, who is also very Republican, applauds the new Republican healthcare plan, which will compassionately make getting basic medical services more difficult for the poor and elderly while giving enormous tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans.
Capitalist Jesus, who is also very Republican, applauds the new Republican healthcare plan, which will compassionately make getting basic medical services more difficult for the poor and elderly while giving enormous tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans.