MAGA: 18 Holes At A Time

We’ve commented before about American CEO/Dictator Donald Trump’s hypocritical stance concerning golf. He chastised President Obama for playing too much golf and yet he has spent 20% of his presidency playing the game, which he insists he cares nothing about. So that’s 20 games of golf already in 100 days.

Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, but the American taxpayers are picking up the tab for his weekend trips to Mar-a-lago and his golfing expeditions. He’s on pace to surpass Obama’s eight years of travel expenditures in only one year. So we’re wondering why Trump supporters still back this hypocritical con artist when he is openly wasting their money on his golf trips, which he cares nothing about. So instead of ridding the government of waste, he’s increasing it. So we guess, in Trump’s warped mind, he’s making America great again through golfing; 18 holes at a time.

American CEO/Dictator Donald Trump is making America great again 18 holes at a time.
American CEO/Dictator Donald Trump is making America great again, 18 holes at a time.


Twit Tweets: #HUGEDuffer

We’ve introduced a new segment here called Twitty Trump Tweets to explore in depth, our American CEO/Dictator’s penchant for tweeting like a petulant teenager instead of acting like a world leader.

America’s CEO Donald Trump has made headlines recently by spending more money in just one month traveling to play golf at his course at Mar-a-lago than Obama spent in a year. So he’s played golf 13 times already…and this from a man who criticized Obama for playing too much golf. Yes folks, Trump’s making America great again, 18 holes at a time.

America’s CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, who is also a huge duffer, is making America great again 18 holes at a time.
America’s CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, who is also a huge duffer, is making America great again 18 holes at a time.

Shows Tonight on The Golf Channel

Here’s a What’s on Tonight listing from April 10, 2006.

Shows Tonight on The Golf Channel

7:00pm Golf 101: Cursing With Class
7:30pm Golfing Style: Are Plaid Pants and Tam O’Shanters Too Sexy?
8:00pm The Daly Planet: How To Maximize Your Drives While Smoking A Cigarette
8:30pm Pimp Your Golf Cart
9:00pm The 1946 Masters: The Bloodiest Masters Ever