The Party of No, No, No

Some things never change. The debt ceiling talks breakdown this past week reminds me of a Pic of the Week photo-toon from February 6, 2009 at the beginning of Obama’s first term as President.  You see, according to Republicans, the definition of bi-partisanship is doing exactly what they want. Of course, it looks like Obama, like every other Democrat except Alan Grayson and Al Franken, is going to do a submissive roll to these whiny, sucky crybabies.


Whiny, sucky, ‘bipartisan’ GOP congressmen and senators do what they do best.

Mr. Hannity’s Neighborhood

Check out this classic photo-toon from February 13, 2005. Recently, Fox News’ own bastion of everthing American, had a blue ribbon neo-con panel on his show and their topic of discussion was how Sesame Street was too liberal and making everyone immoral. Too funny!! You see folks, it’s all Big Bird’s fault. If he would just carry an machine gun and cap everybody, all would be well with the world. Geez, come on Sean! You were doing the same thing back in 2005. It’s just rinse and repeat with our ol’ buddy Mr. Hannity. Watch the video boys and girls and see if you can count the number of hypocritical statements these eh-hem…grown-ups make. Link to Mr. Hannity’s Neighborhood.

2-13-05 – Neoconservative author and talk show host, Sean Hannity, has written an explosive new book exposing the hidden gay agenda of children’s entertainment.

BilgeBucket Returns in Convenient Blog Format

The BilgeBucket Gazette has returned to the Internet in a more convenient blog format after a two year hiatus. Yes, after two years of basically sitting on our cans, we have decided to come back and entertain annoy the denizens of the Internet with our hilarious, wacky, awkward brand of humor. The new format allows us to spew out new material in bits and chunks just like Charlie Sheen on a late night bender. It’s called Winning!! We will concentrate on creating new photo-toons, photo-flashtoons, photo-ads, photo-synthesis and other photo-prefix crap. We will also create more of our exciting, sensational,and scintillating BilgeBucket Lists for you to mock, jeer and curse at. And of course, we’ll post some of our classic creations from 2003-2009, so you can reminisce and wonder how this country ever made it through the Bush years in one piece. It’s called Winning!! So sit back and keep checking in with us for more hijinx from America’s trendiest suburb, Cactus Corners, Arizona, where everything…and we mean everything(it’s a desert here folks)… is coming up cactus!