Trump’s Tearful Tribulations

Since the midterm elections, America’s CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, seems to be more and more unhinged. The recent incidents concerning Veteran’s Day memorials for soldiers and war veterans who gave their lives for their country illustrate how colossally inept, clueless and insensitiveĀ the orange haired man child is.

First, Trump was roundly criticized for skipping out on a memorial service for World War I veterans in Europe because it was raining. Then he ducked out of a memorial service on Veteran’s Day at Arlington Memorial Cemetery because he basically didn’t feel like it. Of course, he blamed his subordinates for his mistake in typical, authoritarian, Trumpian fashion. His disrespect toward military figures exemplifies a disturbing pattern with Trump that points to his deep insecurity when compared to men who have actually sacrificed something for their country. During the 2016 election campaign, Don the Con famously criticized John McCain stating “he likes people who weren’t captured”. Last week, the unstable megalomaniac criticized retired Navy SEAL Adm. Bill McRaven, who commanded the 2011 raid that took down Osama bin Laden for not capturing the terrorist mastermind sooner. This from a man who got out of service in Vietnam because of bone spurs and probably couldn’t win a game of Stratego with his youngest son Barron.

We have no doubt that Trump would probably find fault with former President, Commander of the D-Day forces and war hero Dwight D. Eisenhower, who we’re pretty sure would not be too fond of Trump.

America's CEO/Dictator Donald Trump whines that his pain and suffering fighting the press is much worse than the sacrifices that war heros like Dwight D. Eisenhower made while fighting against the Nazis, who really weren't that bad according to Trump.
America’s CEO/Dictator, master strategist and most persecuted human being of all time, Donald Trump, whines that he’s a real hero and not war veterans who fought against the Nazis like Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Trump Gets Respect…From Clowns

At a recent rally in a packed middle school gymnasium (you know those things seat tens of thousands of people) in Elkhart, Indiana, American CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, and Vice President and modern day Puritan, Mike Pence, cajoled the crowd with how they’ve made America ‘respectable’ again. Oh Really???!!! According to Newsweek, global respect for America has dropped to an all-time low under Trump. The willingness of other countries to trust the U.S. is also on the wane because of Trump. Only three countries, Greece, Hungary and Nigeria, saw a positive uptick for America. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has pretty much stated that Europe can no longer depend on America because of Trump. And Trump’s disastrous plan to pull out of the Iran deal has been met with almost universal condemnation. Top E.U. official Donald Tusk, has even said that “with friends like that, who needs enemies?” in reference to Trump.

So we don’t know what Trump and Mike Pence have been smoking but they are seriously delusional. About the only group (other than Fox News, a.k.a. the Republican Propaganda Network) that Trump has won the respect of are professional clowns. That is because the daily actions of the orange haired man-child in the White HouseĀ are making them look like rank amateurs.

Clowns have nothing but respect for the Grand Poobah of buffoons, American CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, whose daily actions make them look like rank amateurs.
Clowns have nothing but respect for the Grand Poobah of buffoons, American CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, whose daily actions make them look like rank amateurs.