The G7 Nadir

Once again, America’s CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, has embarrassed America on the world stage; this time at the recent G7 summit conference in Quebec, Canada. In one weekend, Trump managed to insult our trusted allies and at the same time strengthen support for his old pal Vlad Putin in Russia. He vilified Canada…that’s right, Canada… and their leader Justin Trudeau for talking back to the U.S. because of Trump’s recent decision to increase tariffs. Seriously, folks; Trump was all kind of crazy with his statements. German chancellor, Angela Merkel, was equally distressed about the experience. The summit made it clear to the world that Trump exists to make Russia great again.

That’s right, folks. Trump was all love when it came to talking up Russia and trying to get them readmitted to the summit meetings, thus making them the G8 again. But the reason Russia was dismissed from the group in the first place was because they invaded the Ukraine and annexed Crimea. But of course, Trump didn’t even mention this is his commentary. Why? Russia must really have something on Trump for him to blow off our old allies like France, Germany, Britain, Japan, Italy and Canada – you know, democracies – and embrace authoritarian countries like Russia and now North Korea. We’re thinking future economic conferences will very soon be called the G6 summit with Trump deciding that the United States is going to take its ball and go home because it has to play nice with other countries.

One thing that we like from the conference was that Trudeau massively trolled Trump by giving him a framed picture of a hotel in Canada that was run by Trump’s grandfather. It turns out the hotel was a brothel. Yes, the lust for vamps is in Trump’s genes.

We also love the viral photo from the conference which shows what a petulant man-child Trump really is. If clearly shows that if he doesn’t get his way, then he acts like a complete crybaby. We’ve decided to speculate that the picture was taken while ordering some vittles.

When confronted with the choice of pepperoni and mushrooms on his pizza, American CEO/Dictator and petulant man-child Donald Trump courageously threatens to leave the G7 summit, if he can't have a cheeseburger.
In true Trumpian fashion, America’s CEO/Dictator and petulant man-child, Donald Trump, makes a valiant, cross-armed stand for American values at the recent G7 summit.