The Republicans sure picked the wrong symbol for their party logo because it seems that they’ve already forgotten about Benghazi. Two of the occupants of the Republican Clown Car this past year, smuggest Senator alive, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio, a.k.a. Marcobot 2016(oops he’s probably had new software installed, so Marcobot 2017), have introduced a bill that will cut funding for embassies throughout the world unless new American CEO/Dictator Donald Trump moves the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. This comes after three years of a political witch hunt on Hillary Clinton about the Benghazi incident which resulted in no wrongdoing found and wasting millions of taxpayers dollars. Of course, Benghazi could have been prevented if more funding had been provided by the stingy Republicans in the first place.
So Republicans basically want to rinse and repeat their disastrous decisions (sound familiar – trickle down economics, tax cuts to the rich, etc…) which will result in more Benghazi like attacks in the future. But then again, Trump is in the White House so the neocon media circus will cover it up like they did the 13 Benghazi like incidents which occurred during the Bush administration.
We’re also thinking that ol’ Marcobot may have some defective chips in his circuitry or a defective operating system, because this legislation does not compute.