Tag Archive for Hagel

Bully, Bully!

Republicans Holds America Hostage: Day 5…

Back in May, Senator Harry Reid correctly called Senator Ted Cruz “a schoolyard bully” and what did the smuggest Senator alive do? He copped a “what? little old me?” attitude.  Fast forward to this past week and you’ve got the No-class Cruzer pulling the same old crap stating that the Democrats want to shut the government down despite that fact he gave a 21 hour filibuster indicating that the Republicans would shutdown the government unless Obamacare was defunded.

But the funny thing is that the No-class Cruzer gave the world a hint back during the recent Syria crisis on how to deal with these Teabagging GOP bullies who turn into crybabies whenever they don’t get their way. In response to Syria’s action, Cruz said, “Bullies and tyrants don’t respect weakness.”  Boom! There it is! Hopefully, the Democrats will keep the spine they’ve recently discovered and won’t let the wittle Teabagger babies get their way on their wittle temper tantrum.

Texas Tea Party darling and smuggest Senator alive, Ted Cruz, gives some helpful hints to a furloughed government employee on dealing with bullies.