It’s Over…For Now

We’re going to wait a few days before we comment about the election (although, in general, we’re thrilled!!!). If there’s one thing everyone can agree on, its that Con-a-thon 2012 has finally and mercifully come to an end: no more robocalls; no more attack ads; no more mailers; no more inane news media pundits offering their insipid two cents worth. That’s a good thing!

What’s really sad though is that according to some reports, these elections could come close to costing $6 billion dollars. $6 Billion Dollars!!!  Thanks Citizens United! Just think of all the good, positive things that could have been done with that money(rebuilding infrastructure, education, energy research), instead of spending it on negative, short term drivel, which benefits no one and exhausts all Americans. Unfortunately, electioneering has become a thriving, full time industry in America. Some news media pundits are already talking about the possible candidates for 2016. To borrow from Bill Maher’s well known catch phrase; New Rule: no talking about the 2016 election until 2016.

With the 2012 elections barely over, media pundits have already started talking about the 2016 elections, much to the chagrin of the American populace.

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