Tag Archive for OWS


Our intrepid staff here at the Bucket has discovered an old photo that shows that Lt. John Pike, the UC-Davis cop who pepper sprayed a group of Occupy Wall Street protestors, comes from a long line of protest busters.

Lt. John Pike's grandfather, Nigel Winston Pike, who served in the British colonial police force in India, is shown reprimanding that notorious street thug, Mahatma Gandhi.

The World According to Fox

Fox News, a.k.a. the Republican Propaganda Network, shows why they are so…eh-hem… respected in the world of journalism. Fair and unbalanced reporting at it’s finest folks!

Fox News shows why they are the epitome of journalistic integrity with their stunning analysis of the Occupy Wall Street protesters.

The True Media Darlings Protest

The big question on the blogosphere these days is which protest group is the one true protest group that America can embrace and call its own, the Occupy Wall Street movement or the Teabaggers. While it has been been reported that some Teabaggers actually showed up to show their support, most have been complaining that the OWS movement is nothing like their sparkling example of how a true, red-blooded, American protest group should act. Could it be that the Teabaggers are green with envy besides being green with cash from corporate backing? Will the real Patriots please stand up!

Cactus Corners Teabaggers Harold and Martha Kowalski respond with derision rather than solidarity for the Occupy Wall Street protesters.

Poor, Distressed Wealthy Respond To Evil, Unjust OWS Movement

Occupy Wall Street has gone world wide and is gaining momentum. The 99% now have demonstrations going strong in every major world city from Phoenix to Toronto to Brussels to Berlin to Madrid to Auckland, New Zealand.  And what does the media do. They’re still asking questions like “What do these people want?”, “How can they be taken seriously without leadership?”,  and saying things like “They’re just lazy and don’t want to work”. Well, what do expect from the mouthpieces for those poor, oppressed, unfortunate %1ers.

But finally, we’re starting to hear from those hapless, persecuted, underrepresented 1%ers. Hopefully, justice will prevail and bank, insurance and oil companies will continue making billions and not have to pay taxes. We wouldn’t want their executives to go without their yachts, luxury car fleets and caviar. Egads! How could those poor wretches survive?

MegaloCorpBank CEO J. Charles Harrington IV, finally weighs in with compassion for the vile, brutish, beastly 99% from the poor, misunderstood, underrepresented 1%.