Tag Archive for Jon Stewart

Rewind: Journalism’s Clown Prince

One unfortunate consequence of Donald Trump becoming CEO/Dictator of America, is that the conservative ‘journalists’ are scurrying out from the sewer drains to fill up slots in the corporate news media in the Republican’s divide and conquer strategy of establishing dominance in all aspects of the media spectrum. So who does Fox News, a.k.a. the Republican Propaganda Network call on to take Megyn Kelly’s slot (she’s spreading conservative ideology over at NBC now)? Why none other than that former bow tie wearing, smart ass, frat boy, Tucker Carlson.

We thought that Carlson was going to be banished to the Daily Caller hinterlands thanks to the Obama administration. But noooooooo. He’s been drinking the Trump kool-aid and lo and behold, he’s suddenly back at Fox News as the chief ball tickler for Donald Trump. When they need a ‘tough looking’ interview that’s really just a firm kiss to Trump’s ass, they call on journalism’s clown prince. Jack Shafer has a decent analysis of this so called journalist and how to make sure he fails again. And who can forget Jon Stewart’s epic slam of Carlson on Crossfire back in 2004.

This photo-toon is from our May 16, 2006 issue.

Conservative talk show host and clown prince of journalism, Tucker Carlson, ditched his nerdy looking bow tie and started wearing attire that more closely reflects his journalistic skills.

Conservative talk show host, Tucker Carlson, ditched his nerdy looking bow tie and started wearing attire that more closely reflects his journalistic skills.