Back before the 2022 election we posted a meme on October 15,2022 which pretty much spelled it out concerning what the Republican party stood for in the 21st century. We noted that 299 out of 569 Republicans were okay with the Big Lie of election fraud promoted by the twice impeached, convicted felon and megalomaniac man child TFG. Well nowadays, the GOP is fully on board the Trump train of perpetual lies and propaganda.
Project 2025 has been exposed in the last year and it details a blueprint for the conservative Republican fascist takeover of this country. Like we’ve said all along, the conservative christian nationalists which make up today’s GOP want to turn this country into the Holy Corporate Empire and they won’t be denied because in their warped religious fevered minds, they are doing the Lord’s work. Some of the disturbing aspects of Project 2025 include: cutting overtime pay, relax worker safety rules and allow discrimination; undermine Medicare, restrict reproductive care and keep pharmaceutical prices high; eliminate funding for fighting climate change; reducing or eliminating environmental protections; limit access to food assistance programs; eliminate the Head Start program; eliminate the Department of Education; taking partisan control of the DOJ, FBI, Department of Commerce, FCC and FTC; cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security; roll back civil rights protections for all minorities, whether racial, religious or LGBTQ+; and eliminate other government agencies like NOAA, which provides vital information for the American people concerning hurricanes and tornadoes which are increasing because of climate change. So here’s a recommendation to all the MAGA Morons living in the south: to prepare for Project 2025 just ignore all the weather warnings for Hurricane Helene provided by the National Hurricane Center and just wing it with prayers and doing your own research. We’re sure that will work out just fine.
We’re becoming very fatigued with these constant threats to democracy that seem to be happening on a daily basis since Trump seized control of the corporate media apparatus. Like we’ve mentioned before, our corporatist overlords in conjunction with the main stream media are pulling the shock doctrine on their fellow Americans all in quest for absolute and total power in every aspect of our lives. With the revelation of Project 2025, the ugly truth is crystal clear: Fascism has arrived! The Republicans don’t want to govern – they want to rule with an iron fist.