Search results for 1%

Poor, Distressed Wealthy Respond To Evil, Unjust OWS Movement

Occupy Wall Street has gone world wide and is gaining momentum. The 99% now have demonstrations going strong in every major world city from Phoenix to Toronto to Brussels to Berlin to Madrid to Auckland, New Zealand.  And what does the media do. They’re still asking questions like “What do these people want?”, “How can they be taken seriously without leadership?”,  and saying things like “They’re just lazy and don’t want to work”. Well, what do expect from the mouthpieces for those poor, oppressed, unfortunate %1ers.

But finally, we’re starting to hear from those hapless, persecuted, underrepresented 1%ers. Hopefully, justice will prevail and bank, insurance and oil companies will continue making billions and not have to pay taxes. We wouldn’t want their executives to go without their yachts, luxury car fleets and caviar. Egads! How could those poor wretches survive?

MegaloCorpBank CEO J. Charles Harrington IV, finally weighs in with compassion for the vile, brutish, beastly 99% from the poor, misunderstood, underrepresented 1%.


Rewind : Dubya’s Nu Teecher

Our previous post about Obama has us thinking about his predecessor, George W. Bush. To humorists, satirists and comedians, he was the gift that kept on giving. The Bucket created plenty of photo-toons, features and articles about ol’ Dubya during his presidentin’ days and we’re going to reprint these gems on a regular basis so we can all bask in his Bushy goodness once more.

Here’s one of our favorite photo-toons from our December 5, 2004 issue. Yes, this is from those halcyon days right after the 2004 election where amazingly 62 million Americans voted to retain Bush as President even though he started a costly war on false premises with no exit strategy, plunged the nation into tumultuous debt, rolled back numerous environmental regulations in favor of industry, presided over an economy that had lost almost a million jobs, misled the nation about the cost of his healthcare bill which did nothing to alleviate high costs…well, we could on and on and on and on but we all know what happened. We’re living with the results right now. Make no mistake, thanks to the madcap misadventures of Dubya, we’re all living the high life…er… make that 1% of us are living the high life. Thanks, Dubya!

New Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings holds up a drawing President Bush made for her as a welcoming gift.